Note to update: the addresses and phone numbers in these issues of the Thelema Lodge Calendars are obsolete since the closing of the Lodge. They are here for historic purposes only and should not be visited or called.
Thelema Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O.Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
January 1989 e.v. at Thelema Lodge
Announcements from
Lodge Members and Officers
There is a Gnome | |
In the iron mountains of the western desert | |
Where the jagged spires of the granite rimrock | |
Come ripping up through the corroded foothills | |
And he lives in these iron mountains | |
This Gnome | |
And he plays on the flame seared plains below | |
With his trails of dust and his twisting thermals | |
That begin nowhere and end in swirling nothingness | |
And he swims over the heat choked ravines | |
Flowing ever and around the blistering hearth stones | |
The chipped and glowing walls of the open hearth stones | |
This Gnome--whose furnace breath | |
Is the rippling heat of the bake oven | |
Pulsing and shimmering on the desert floor | |
And in whose cupped and twisted hands | |
The molten hyalesence | |
Of the mirage is prisoned | |
And he feeds on the fires in his crucible | |
This Gnome | |
Feeding and swimming in the fluid seas of the Flame Winds | |
In the viscous, liquid heat of the burning Flame Winds | |
Which lick the baked and scorching clay with tongues | |
Of fire that seem as serpent shappen flames | |
To bathe the nether islands of the sun | |
At their dire perihelion | |
And this amorphous Gnome | |
Like some smoke-pillared djinn a god evoked | |
To stand the watch of Cerberus | |
Above the river Phlegethon--has found | |
Beneath the slabs of basalt that are split | |
And rivened by the long diurnal siege | |
A noduled grain mercuric that had seeped | |
And sweated from the smelt of cinnabar | |
This Gnome--this entity--this eidolon | |
Self-procreate of fire and flame and heat | |
This Gnome | |
Adapted from: QABALAH No. 1 by Bill Heidrick, Copyright © 1982 and
from: O.T.O. Newsletter #4, pp. 11-14, Copyright © 1978
There are two common methods for pronouncing Hebrew, the
Ashkenazic or German style and the Sephardic or Spanish style.
The suggestions given below are for Sephardic pronunciation.
Sephardic is closer to ancient Hebrew than is Ashkenazic.
![]() ![]() Ke-ter --- e as in met. Accent first syllable.
Second Sephira: CHOKMAH,
Third Sephira: BINAH,
The Latent Sephira: DA'AT,
Fourth Sephira: CHESED,
Fifth Sephira: GEBURAH,
Sixth Sephira: TIPHERET,
Seventh Sephira: NETZACH,
Eighth Sephira: HOD,
Ninth Sephira: YESOD,
Tenth Sephira: MALKUT, Mal-Koot --- a as in bard. oo as in moon. Last syllable accent. |
ALEPH, ![]() ![]() ![]() A-lef --- A like in father. e like in met. Accent the first syllable.
TAW, |
EHEIEH, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() E-he-ye --- First E like in met. Second e like the first e in believe. Third e like in met. Accent the first syllable.
ATEH, ![]() ![]() ![]() At-Ta --- First a like in bard. Second a like in father. Accent second syllable. MALKUT, --- see above under Sephiroth. Ve-GEBURAH, --- see above under Sephiroth and next entry for prefix.
AMEN, JEHOVAH, ADONAI, EHEIEH --- see above under Divine Names.
---- O'h yes, CROWLEY is pronounced Crow-lee, not Craughli!
Analytical Contents
Mysteriorum Liber Primus: Mortlaci
Dr. Dee's title page to the book containing his Actions from the years 1581 & 1582.
[March 1988ev. pg. 5]
John Dee his note
A table giving the principal Archangels, with some analysis of their relationships, and
[cont. 3/88. pp. 6-8]
A Preliminary Prayer
A supplication written by Dee, in Latin for Angelic presence and wisdom.
[April 1988ev. pp. 9-11]
A Testimony and Memorial
In which Dr. Dee sets forth the premises and expectations of his Actions with spirits.
[May 1988ev. pp. 12-15]
1581. December 22.
[here begins the 'Index Lib. Primus']
'Saul skryed, & heard. Annael appeared. Great Crystalline Globe. Stone in the frame
(given him of a friend)
inquires de Thesauro abscondito, and if he might see Michael.
quotes his book of Famous & Rich Discoveries.'
[June 1988ev pp. 16-21]
1582. Saturday March 10. 11:15am.
'Edward Talbot (i.e. Kelly) enters into Action with him.
A skryer formerly willed to call for Anchor into his stone in the frame, which he now
used. Uriel appeared.
A strange Seal or Characterismus of an illuding spirit, as was given to understand.'
[July 1988ev. pp. 22-25]
The Same Saturday Afternoon. 5pm.
'A rich chair, and square Table appeared; which were to remain in the stone, to the
sight of all undefiled creatures.
Sigillum Dei to be made, and four lesser seals to be set under the tables feet.
Lundrumguffa, a wicked spirit, an enemy to to be discharged (driven away) with
Maherion, a spirit Saul dealt with, who would have carried him away quick.'
[August 1988ev. pp. 26-29]
Sunday March 11. 3am.
'(Lundrumguffa) seemed to be beaten by the other Spirit for 's sake.' [this concludes
the table given in Libri Quinti Appendice]
[September 1988ev. pp. 30-33]
Wednesday March 14. 9am.
An Action had by Dee & Talbot with the angels Uriel & Michael, in which Dee meets the
Angel of his proffesion. Later they are shown the ring of Solomon, and are given further
details concerning the Sigillum Dei AEmeth.
[October 1988ev. pp. 34-39]
Thursday March 15. 1:15am.
Wherein Dee and Talbot meet mighty king Solomon through the introduction of Raphael; and
some confusion occurs over the identity of Michael & Gabriel. Also Edward Talbot is privily
disclosed details concerning various items of requisite paraphanalia.
[November 1988ev. pp. 40-43]
Concluding Fragment
Uriel, Raphael, & Fortitudo Dei set forth some history of their existance, as told in
the Apocrypha. And Elias Ashmole concludes this book with a postscript.
[December 1988ev. pp,44-45]
Baalzebub 14
Bacon, Roger 13
Befafes 18
black 2, 34
Black Cross 2
black hood 34
breast 24
brimstone 28
Broadstreet (London) 2
Casaubon, Dr. Meric 2
cedarwood 3
chair 26, 30, 34, 35, 37, 40, 41, 44
chaplet 3
charachters see 'sigils'
Charles II 3
Christ, Jesus 8, 12, 16, 22, 40
circle 27
colours 26
compass 27, 36
cross 2, 3, 26
crystalline globe 13, 16
cup 41
Daniel 12
David 26
De Arte Cabalistica 37
De Heptarchia Mystica 2
De Miribili Potestate Artis et Naturae 13
De Verbo Mirifico 37
Devil 13
dog 16
ear 42
earth 9, 40, 41, 44
Ekron 14
English 9
Elementis Magicis 42
Elohim 9
Esdras 12, 44
etymology 6
eyes 30
face 35
Famous & Rich Discoveries 18
fasting 18
feathers 30
feet 27
fire 3, 16, 35, 40
Fire of London 3
Fortitudo Dei 6, 41, 42, 44
48 Claves Angelicae 2
Gabriel 6, 9, 34, 37, 41, 44
George 28
Gideon 12
gilt 2
gold 16, 23, 30, 36, 40, 42
globe 16
hands 16, 26, 30, 34, 36, 37, 44
head 30, 34, 35, 40
heart 26
heaven 6, 9, 37, 40
Hebrew 16
Hersham (Surrey) 2
High Priests 12
Hilton, Robert 28
The Institution Lawes & Ceremonies of the most Noble Order of the Garter 2
iron 3
invisible 31, 34
Isaac 12
Israel 14
Jacob 12
St. James 12
Jehovah Zebaoth 9
Jesus Christ see Christ
Jones, Mr. & Mrs. 2
Joshua 12
II Kings 14
lamen 42
lanuage 9, 12
Latin 9
laurel 34
left hand 30
legs 30
Liber Scientia Terrestris-Auxilij et Victoria 2
Libri Quinti Appendice 24, 28
Lilly, William 2
London (England) 2, 3
Lumbardstreet (London) 2
Lundrumguffa 22, 23, 24, 28, 30, 31
Magick 22
Maherion 28
Mammon 40, 42
Michael 6, 9, 17, 22, 23, 26, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41
Mortlack (Surrey) 3
Moorefields (London) 3
Mysteriorum Liber Primus 2, 3, 5, 18, 44
Mysteriorum Liber Secundus 44
NA 34, 35, 37
Nariel 34
Obelison see Befafes
Och 41, 42
oil 27
olive 3
oratory 22, 42
Paradise 22
PELE 36, 37
pen 31, 36
Petri de Abano 42
philosophy 9, 22, 36, 37
Psalms 13, 26, 40
purple 30
Raphael 6, 9, 22, 28, 42, 44
red 27, 40
red silk 27
Reuchlin, Joannis 37
right arm 35
right hand 30, 34
ring 35, 36, 37, 42
robe 30
round 26, 27, 34, 36
Sabbath 18
Samuel 12
Saul 12
Saul (Barnabas) 13, 16, 26, 28, 44
sceptre 40
scourge 30, 31
secrets 9, 12, 18
seals 23, 26, 27, 36, 42
seers 12, 13
shewstone 12, 16, 17, 22, 23, 26, 27, 37, 40, 41, 42
shoulder 28, 30
Sigillum Dei AEmeth 26, 27, 36, 37
sigils 23, 26, 27, 28, 30
silk 27, 34
six pence 34
skryer 16, 22, 30, 35, 36, 40
skulls 16
Solomon 12, 35, 40, 41, 42
Soyga 22, 23, 26
square 2, 26, 27, 30
star 16
the stone see 'shewstone'
Story, Samuel 2
sun 18, 30, 40, 41, 42
Surrey (England) 2
sweetwood 3, 26
sword 30, 34, 35, 36
table 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 44
Tables of Soyga see 'Soyga'
Talbot, Edward 22, 26, 30, 34, 35, 40, 42
Tobias 12, 28, 44
Tower of London 2
treasure 16
A True & Faithful Relation of what passed for many years between
Dr. Dee & Some Spirits 2
Uriel 6, 9, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 34, 35, 36, 41, 44
Venus 18
Wale, Thomas 2, 3
wax 26
whip 30
white 16, 41, 44
wings 30
Woodall, John & Thomas 3
yellow 16, 27
1/1/89 | Gnostic Mass at 8 PM | Thelema Ldg | ||
1/2/89 | Camp Meeting | Hypatia Cmp | ||
1/4/89 | "The Three Realms" with Ebony 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/5/89 | King Cake Party 8 PM | Merkabah Hse | ||
1/7/89 | New Moon Ritual 9:30 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/8/89 | Gnostic Mass at 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/10/89 | Lodge meeting at 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/11/89 | Class on Crowley's "Magick in Theory and Practice" with Bill, 8 PM. | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/11/89 | William James B-Day party 9 PM | Merkabah Hse | ||
1/12/89 | Unfolding Hermetics 8 PM | Merkabah Hse | ||
1/13/89 | Friday the 13th Party | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/13/89 | IIIrd Degree initiations | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/14/89 | IInd Degree initiations at Dii Alieni | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/15/89 | Gnostic Mass at 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/18/89 | Class on Crowley's "Magick in Theory and Practice" with Bill, 8 PM. | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/21/89 | Full Moon Ritual 9:30 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/22/89 | Gnostic Mass at 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/23/89 | Erotology Study Group Dines 7 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/25/89 | "The Three Realms" with Ebony 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/26/89 | Unfolding Hermetics 8 PM | Merkabah Hse | ||
1/29/89 | Gnostic Mass at 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/30/89 | Center for Enochian Studies 7:30 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
1/31/89 | Enochiana with Dave "Nalvage" 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. |
The viewpoints and opinions expressed herein are the responsibility of the
contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of OTO or its
Note to update: the addresses and phone numbers in these issues of the Thelema Lodge Calendars are obsolete since the closing of the Lodge. They are here for historic purposes only and should not be visited or called.
Thelema Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O. Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
Phone: (510) 652-3171 (for events info and contact to Lodge)
Production and Circulation:
P.O.Box 430
Fairfax, CA 94978 USA
Internet: (Submissions and circulation only)