Note to update: the addresses and phone numbers in these issues of the Thelema Lodge Calendars are obsolete since the closing of the Lodge. They are here for historic purposes only and should not be visited or called.
Thelema Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O.Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
July 1990 e.v. at Thelema Lodge
Announcements from
Lodge Members and Officers
in | out | |
Masses | $107.55 | $20.00 |
Classes/Meetings | $134.02 | 0 |
Donations/Benefits | $569.00 | 0 |
Initiations | 0 | 0 |
House Debt | $790.57 |
in | out | |
Masses | $77.94 | $20.00 |
Classes/Meetings | $55.05 | 0 |
Donations/Benefits | 0 | 0 |
Initiations | 0 | 0 |
House Debt | $100.00 |
This is a summary of the monies handled by myself on behalf of the Lodge.
Many thanx to all those individuals who donated so graciously during the month
of May -- we could not have kept the house without your enormous assistance.
On a more somber note, I feel it is my duty to inform the community of
the current financial status of the Lodge. At this time both the electricity
and the temple phone at 588 63rd St. (downstairs) are still disconnected. To reconnect P G & E will cost $619.38 ($509.38 past due and $110 deposit). Pac
Bell says it will take $290.00 to reconnect the phone line. In addition to
this, the Landlord claims $4,050.00 in back rent (for entire house).
Needless to say, we still need MONEY!!!!! All activities are
continuing to occur at the Lodge. Please remember to donate to each one you
attend. We also will be hosting fun(d)raiser dinners and special events on a
monthly basis. Any ideas of how to raise monies will be greatly appreciated!
June 23, 1990 e.v. Marlene Smith
Nails, red scales | |
Crust on crust; | |
Ashes to ashes | |
Dust to dust. | |
A slashing knife, and thick red blood, | |
Across your breast a weal of stain; | |
White are your limbs and white the pain | |
Of ecstasy, and earth, and rain. | |
Mother Medusa of the solar wind | |
Lion paw and lambent thigh | |
Love-lightning playing in your hair | |
Has blinded me, and I am thine. | |
Mother Medusa, lion cubs | |
Come tumbling through your amber dream. | |
I hear your purr with throat of iron | |
And your growl in the slap of thunder. | |
[these poems were first printed in the second Grady Project pamphlet (December 1987 e.v.]
The worship and the ritual of Ordo Templi Orientis are solar-phallic in
nature. This fact can be quite easily seen in the Man of Earth series of
degrees. The life of the sun, the life of man, and the life of the spirit,
are all three described in one set of mythic enactments proceeding from
Minerval through Perfect Initiate.
First, the primeval solar dustcloud condenses, sperm and egg converge
embryonically, the goal is glimpsed and the possibility of a path to it
perceived. But just as many of the galaxy's dustclouds are below the critical
mass for thermonuclear ignition, and many fertilized ova never attain infancy,
and many mystics never find bliss, so also many Minervals never take I° (the
percentage has probably increased since the removal of the nine month waiting
period, but a more relevant statistic in judging that change in policy would
be in whether the percentage of I°'s who remain active members has increased
or declined. Perhaps our illustrious G.T.G. will compile the relevant stats
someday!) --- I did. They declined. Short Minerval to I° tend to leave
or stay at about the rate of normal Minerval attrition. This is from two to
three times normal attrition for I° taken nine or more months after
Minerval --- GTG.
The next stage of initiation represents the ignition of the sun, its first
dawning over the proto-Earth, and hence each new dawning ever since. It also
represents the physical birth of a child, as well as the dedication of oneself
to recommence travel upon the path which leads to one's goal.
The II° may be likened to the sun in its full force and vigor during that
95%+ of its existence which is spent in the main sequence; it is the sun which
we experience on the Equator at noon of the Equinox. In human life it
symbolizes that era when offspring are produced, both actual children and
mental, moral, and social constructs. For the magician it represents the
complete theoretical basis of magick with, however, little in the way of
practical instruction. As Crowley says in Magick Without Tears, "All
subsequent [to P.I.] Degrees of the O.T.O. are accordingly elaborations of the
II°, since in a single ceremony it is hardly possible to sketch, even in the
briefest outline, the Teaching of Initiates with regard to Life. The Rituals
V°-IX° are then instructions to the Candidate how he should conduct himself;
and they confer upon him, gradually, the Magical Secrets which make him Master
of Life."
In Liber CXCIV Baphomet describes the three Triads as three distinct
degrees of O.T.O., and he further illustrates this principle by showing that
the Third Triad, the Man of Earth series, is itself three distinct degrees.
This triune pattern is further reduplicated by the third Man of Earth "degree"
which is made up of III°, IV°, and Prince of Jerusalem. Here the analogy to
stellar, human, and spiritual life becomes more complicated. Stars of
different masses and compositions may have diverse ways of ending their
existences. In general, once the vast hydrogen fusion fuel is nearing its
depletion the fusion of the resulting helium into yet heavier elements begins.
A star's balance of forces changes and it begins to expand rapidly. In
systems with habitable planets the oceans boil, atmospheres are stripped, and
all life is extinguished. In the case of smaller stars, like our sun, the
expansion is followed by contraction to white dwarf status. Seen from the
frozen surface of dead Earth, the Sun will just be a bright star that
eventually fades to a burnt-out cinder. Here the black mass of the Solar
system represents the III°, which finds its eventual resurrection when the dust and gases lost during the contraction join the cosmic swirl to condense
into a new generation of suns.
Some of the more massive stars than our sun will experience the phase of
contraction so violently that they implode and the resulting explosion is a
supernova which leaves behind a nebula of glowing gases with a neutron star of
incredibly dense matter somewhere in the middle. Here the magnificent
explosion represents the exaltation of the IV°, which has resurrected itself
by its massive ejection of dust and gas, and which leaves behind a tiny X-ray
beacon that perhaps will burn until its eventual annihilation in the galactic
black hole.
Those stars which are yet even more massive will experience the ultimate
fate. First they will contract, shedding some spermlike gas and dust to be
resurrected in new stars. But when these massive stars reach the stage of
implosion the forces of gravity are too great to be overcome, and the unshed
matter continues to contract, past the point of the neutron star left by a IV°
supernova, into the perfect annihilation of a black hole. Of course the final
outcome for every star in the galaxy may be annihilation in the galaxy's
eventual collapse, so that ultimately there may be no difference between III°-, IV°-, and Prince of Jerusalem-type stars.
In human life this trinity of degrees describes the duality of mortality
and immortality as a unity, which is actually nullity. The bodies of III°
human beings die and decay, but yet they live on in generations of new people
or, at least, worms. The IV° individuals find immortality by heroic
achievement. They impress the shapes of their wills upon their circumstances,
thus shaping the future itself. Newton needs no biological descendants to be
called a father of the world we live in. This would seem to support the view
that the indefeasible right to be initiated extends only up to III° itself.
Certainly not all of humanity is engaged in heroic achievement. The P.I.'s
immortality lies beyond even the exalted glory of Tiphereth, for it lives in
the Abyss which annihilates all duality. Here the life of man and the life of
the spirit completely coincide. As a stage of spiritual development, the III°
represented magical mastery of the astral environment, while the IV° created
by this mastery an indestructible body of light. The Prince of Jerusalem uses
this body for samadhi until he achieves complete identification with
nonexistence, from which time he wears the appearance of a Master of the
Temple. These make up the Secret Chiefs, the geniuses who are the one genius
that shapes all human history, bursting forth with Maguses whenever simple
silence will not suffice.
We are all indeed immortal, but the vast majority of us only achieve the
III°- type of immortality. Does that mean that IV° and P.I. initiations are
wasted on most of us? that they are intended to produce "instant" Adepts and
Mages? It certainly does not. This unit of three degrees is yet one more
recapitulation of a formula which is continued with subtle variety throughout
the entire Order. To learn this formula that leads across the Abyss may
require lifetimes of repetition, much less be learned from one small series of
initiations. The Three Triads themselves declare the manly Iacchus, lovely
Asi, and silent Orus. All of the following sequences, and more, display the
formula on a degree level: 0°/I°/II°; III°/IV°/P.I.; 0-I°/II°/III-IV°-P.I.;
V°/K.R.E./VI°; G.I.C./P.R.S./VII°; V°-K.R.E./VI°-G.I.C./P.R.S.-VII°;
VIII°(P.P.I.)/VIII°(P.E.I.)/IX°; X°/XI°/O.H.O.; VIII°/IX-X-XI°/O.H.O.
Thus the one Order exists as three degrees or Triads, and each Triad
contains three sets of three degree sequences. Top it off with the sequence
0°/K.E.W./O.H.O. and you'll still find that each degree, at least as far as
Knight of the Red Eagle (I probably shouldn't comment on initiations I haven't
yet and may never undergo), contains further recapitulations of the same
formula of IAO. This would be quite exciting in itself, but the truly
remarkable fact is that the O.T.O.'s system may accommodate any formula
whatsoever. The following is offered by way of illustration:
B-I/II/III° Man of Earth Triad
A-VI°/G.I.C. Lover Triad
R-X° Hermit Triad
Or in other words: Wisdom at play is shrouded by the holy spirit,
and the mother of the holy spirit is its wife;
wisdom at play is shrouded by the holy spirit.
Materials Pertaining to the Study of
This edition of "The Cry of the thirtieth Aethyr" (the first chapter of The Vision and the Voice includes the original text, all of Crowley's commentary, and additional material tracing and deciphering references in both the vision and the commentary.
Send $4.50 per copy plus $1.50 postage for one and $.50 for each additional copy to
536 41st Street, No. 22
Oakland, CA 94609
All profits to benefit Thelema Lodge.
Note to Web edition: This offer is no longer available -- included here for historic record only.
On your July calendar you will notice in the 27's square something called
"An Introduction To Trance" probably with my name attached. This is not a
class in which you will be taught the wisdom of Qabalah, or the art of Magick,
or the beauty of Truth. Fortunately for Thelema Lodge there are plenty of
folks around here more qualified than the current Lodge Master to teach these
things. In fact, until becoming Lodge Master I was able to avoid teaching a
class because there was always someone better able to do it than I. That fact
hasn't changed, but as Lodge Master I do feel a certain responsibility to pad
out the calendar! So instead of a class I shall put on a "neoclass"; I refuse
to acknowledge the possibility of being anyone's teacher, except in the most
accidental sense. However, power being the kind of fun it can be, I will
certainly take my seat along with you as the most domineering and tyrannical
of all the students present.
Aleister Crowley wrote a book called Little Essays Toward Truth which
might teach you far more about trance than you can learn anywhere else. What
I propose to do is explore a multitude of techniques to induce trance,
mantras, breathing, relaxation, music, dance, even friendly chatter! Because
the nature of trance is such that it may sometimes produce disorienting,
confusing, even so-called "bad" experiences, we must create some special
conditions for this "neoclass". First of all, people have to come with
certain expectations. They have to expect everything in general, and nothing
in particular. They must not expect to achieve anything on their list of
personal ambitions beyond this one: expect to accept that whatever happens,
happens. That is an expectation which challenges all of us; dare we accept
the challenge? Secondly, on the practical level of protecting both the group
and the individual wills at the same time, no one will be allowed to enter
after the session begins; however, everyone who is already inside (including
me) is free to leave at whatever moment they will. The original meaning of
the word 'trance' was the transition (or passage) from life to death. In this
sense it was applied to "a state of extreme apprehension or dread" [O.E.D.],
and thence to the cataleptic state of extreme "attention" or "inattention"
which we all lapse in and out of all the time, but which when produced
intentionally for specific purposes has been the basis of all so-called
"spiritual phenomena". So if we start a new religion, nobody should be
This is a song about Socrates | |
A man who asked a lot of questions | |
He didn't care about the dieties | |
or the politics of indiscretion | |
He just sat back and drank the poison | |
He had a interest in Philosophy | |
but all he brought to it were questions | |
Could he be the only one to see | |
that all the answers are reflections? | |
The answer of the State was poison | |
Boys of Athens, gathered round his feet, | |
with whom he traded tricky questions | |
they didn't learn to hate the liberty | |
that so frightens politicians | |
They had to watch their friend drink poison | |
The moral of this story is: | |
Don't ask a lot of questions | |
It's too annoying to society | |
if you ask so many questions | |
Unless you dare to drink the poison | |
Thelemites of today, mark this document closely. It is the paper of arrest
and commitment of our Brother Karl Germer to a Nazi Concentration Camp on Feb.
13, 1935 e.v. on the Grounds (Grunde) of having continued communication with
Aleister Crowley (Identified as a Highgrade Freemason --- Hochgradfreimaurer)
and for seeking students for his teachings!
Brother Germer was transferred to Esterwegen, another concentration camp,
somewhat later. Through the efforts of his wife and the American Council, he
was released and allowed to flee to Belgium.
In the months ahead you may perhaps learn some negative things about our
former Frater Superior, how he forced the Order to near death by not
initiating and by hiding every open reference to the Order in the public eye.
Whatever you hear or have heard, remember that Karl Germer, Frater
Saturnus, was a martyr to Thelema. He suffered greatly for his stand in
Thelema. If this arrest had come two years later; he would have died in the
terrible immolation of the haters of freedom and Gnosis.
Know that this can happen anywhere.
Knowing that, take heart. Brother Karl survived the terrible persecution
of our Order, and if the worst happens, others can survive as well. Unlike
Brother Karl, you live in a time of many Thelemites. If you find yourself in
captivity or subject to persecution for your beliefs, you will not be
7/1/90 | Fish & Chips Feed $5-$10 donation (sliding scale) 4:18 PM ... --- come, eat & help pay the rent! | Thelema Ldg | ||
7/1/90 | Gnostic Mass at Sunset | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/5/90 | "777" -- Chinese Attributions 7:30PM | Hypatia Cmp | ||
7/6/90 | Initiations Workshop 2nd Deg 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/8/90 | Gnostic Mass at Sunset | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/9/90 | "New England" with Jerry 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/11/90 | Magick & Qabalah # 3 with Bill 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/13/90 | Brocken Mtn. Mass for IIIrds and up only. 9:30 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/14/90 | Magick & Qabalah #4 (field trip to Mt. Tam, leaving San Anselmo.) | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/15/90 | Gnostic Mass at Sunset & Lodge clean-up. | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/17/90 | Reading: Household Gods 7:30 PM | Magick Theat. | ||
7/20/90 | Initiations Workshop 3rd Deg 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/21/90 | John Dee's birthday and Eclipse party, afternoon until ? | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/22/90 | Gnostic Mass at Sunset | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/23/90 | Secret meeting | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/25/90 | History Class 7PM (location TBA) | Nefertiti Cmp | ||
7/26/90 | Thelema Lodge Meeting 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/27/90 | Intro. to Trance with Mordecai 8PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/29/90 | Leo Birthday party 4:18 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
7/29/90 | Gnostic Mass at Sunset | Thelema Ldg. |
The viewpoints and opinions expressed herein are the responsibility of the
contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of OTO or its
Note to update: the addresses and phone numbers in these issues of the Thelema Lodge Calendars are obsolete since the closing of the Lodge. They are here for historic purposes only and should not be visited or called.