Note to update: the addresses and phone numbers in these issues of the Thelema Lodge Calendars are obsolete since the closing of the Lodge. They are here for historic purposes only and should not be visited or called.
Thelema Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O.Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
March 1992 e.v. at Thelema Lodge
Announcements from
Lodge Members and Officers
With the eighty-eighth anniversary feast of the Equinox of the Gods, Thelemites
celebrate a new year in the Aeon of Horus at the point of the Spring Equinox on 20 March.
Crowley's practice of marking the years in correspondence with the sequence of the Atus of
Tarot, still in common use throughout the O.T.O., has us embarking upon a new twenty-two year
cycle this month with the onset of the Year of the Fool. Sol enters Aries for the beginning
of spring about twelve minutes before one o'clock on Friday morning, and the ritual at
Thelema Lodge will follow that evening at 8:00.
Terri's Lunar rituals are planned on Tuesday evening 3 March (for the New Moon in Pisces
at 5:22 AM the following morning) and on Wednesday 18 March (for the Full moon in Virgo at
10:18 that morning). Plan ahead for the New Moon in Aries on Thursday 2 April at 9:01 PM.
Thelema Lodge presents the Mass of the Gnostic Catholic Church most Sunday evenings in
Horus Temple, beginning at approximately 8:00. This is an open communion ritual,
traditionally performed according to Aleister Crowley's Liber XV, with everyone welcome to
participate. New visitors please call ahead for confirmation. (Please note that on Sunday
evening 22 March the temple has been reserved for an unspecified "experimental" mass.)
Scheduling for the Gnostic Mass and other church business is handled by our presiding
Bishop T. Suleiman at the mid-month Sunday afternoon E.G.C. meeting on 15 March at 4:18. All
who take part in the life of the Gnostic Ecclesia within the O.T.O. are invited to this
convocation, and mass teams for Horus Temple in the month of May should especially attend.
Bishop Sappho will also be on hand to offer a workshop after the meeting (by request) for
prospective mass teams and interested communicants.
For Thelema Lodge the new year 88 brings our fifteenth anniversary as the original lodge
of Order's resurgence under the Caliphate, and the world's oldest continuously operating
O.T.O. lodge. A special commemorative jewel (button) has been issued from the Lodgemaster's
Clerkhouse, available to all members and friends of the lodge. (You'll want to make a $1
donation.) The edition is limited; please don't delay your request.
Initiation into Ordo Templi Orientis is offered at Thelema Lodge on a monthly basis,
next scheduled for the afternoon and evening of Saturday 21 March. Members are encouraged to
attend; please make advance arrangements to know which grades are to be worked.
Progressive advancement through the Man of Earth degrees of O.T.O. is available, by
application and by good report, to all who are free and of full age. Candidates are
encouraged to anticipate their own optimum time for advancement, and request a form well
ahead, ensuring ample time to discuss application technicalities with the Lodgemaster, and
then await the Order's mandatory forty-day candidacy period. Initiates are also encouraged
to seek the advice of our lodge Hierophants - senior members who have agreed to offer
guidance through the grades - upon individual request by reference to their present grade:
Minerval.....Lola-(510) ... ....
I°................Jerry-(510) ... ....
2°..........Marlene-(510) ... ....
3°.............Ebony-(510) ... ....
Many Thelema Lodge events are open free of charge to interested members of the
community. To attend any of the events listed here, telephone Thelema Lodge ahead of time at
(510) 654-3580. Whenever possible, please make a contribution to the maintenance of the
lodge when the hat is passed at these events.
Brother Bill Heidrick offers the lodge a specially requested class on the ritual of the
Mark of the Beast, Crowley's Liber V vel Reguli, on Wednesday evening 18 March at 8:00 in
Horus Temple. This "incantation proper to invoke the energies of the Aeon of Horus, adapted
for daily use" is one of our most complex solo rituals, containing numerous gestures, signs,
and names which are not fully explicated in Crowley's instructions. Questions will be
invited as we explore Liber V and its place in Crowley's work. Frater Majnun will assist
with a performance demonstration of the ritual.
Magik Without Aleister hosts representatives of Subud, at the lodge on Tuesday evening
24 March, beginning at 8:00. Subud is a mystical order which practices a collective form of
transcendence called latihan. Endorsed by Gurdjieff disciple J. G. Bennett in his later
years, they experienced an explosive growth in England in the late '60s e.v., and have had a
sustained presence in the Bay Area for many years.
Cris Piss will present a class on the Yezidi, to be followed by a "Yezidi Mass", on
Friday evening 13 March. Please do not wear blue.
The Planetary Magick a la Agrippa course resumes in March with one class meeting and an
invocation of Sol in Aries. Class at 7:30 on Friday 27 March, will be a resumé of course
material from the first three class meetings, followed by a guided discussion of different
approaches to planetary magick. Invocations will be held on Sunday 29 March, at dawn and at
1:00 PM. To attend either invocation, come to class on Friday, or call Brother Mark S. at
(510) 658-8783.
"Jerry's Logorrhea" will be offered on Saturday evening 28 March, beginning at 6:30.
Call the lodgemaster to attend this informal lecture series, or for information on the topic
this month. Jerry also presents "Videorhea" on Saturday evening 14 March (phone for
The Magick In Theory and Practice Study Circle at Thelema Lodge meets twice monthly to
read and discuss Crowley's great magical textbook. Questions and suggestions for specific
chapters ("theory") or appendices ("practice") to be covered may be addressed to Marlene, the
circle's facilitator. Meetings are on Thursday evenings, 12 March and 26 March, beginning at
7:00. Occasionally the Study Circle also assists with the lodge Calendar, so participants
should stay in touch or phone ahead when planning to attend.
Aleister Crowley's 1911 e.v. play The Ghouls will be read by the Magick Theater at
Thelema Lodge on Wednesday evening 25 March, beginning at 7:30. Set on the old Boleskine
estate in Scotland, and featuring "The M'Alister" in a leading role, this is one of the few
dramas where Crowley wrote a part directly for himself. The plot concerns a local girl,
Fenella Lovell, and her grave-robbing adventure in search of "the Devil's Strad." Copies of
the play will be available for readers.
Our regular monthly Lodge Meeting will be held on Monday evening 2 March at 8:00.
Members are encouraged to participate in planning for rituals, events, and classes to be
offered in the month of May. Policy decisions and news of the Order are also announced at
this meeting.
The Lodge of Perfection and Thelema Lodge Council meet on Sunday afternoon at 3:33;
contact the lodgemaster for details.
Thelemic women are invited to the Ladies' T- on Monday afternoon 9 March at Thelema
Lodge, beginning at 5:30. See Terri for details.
Lodge Clean-Up all afternoon (beginning at 1:11) on Sunday afternoon 29 March, with
Aries birthday cake to follow at 4:18.
Love is the law, love under will.
The celebration of Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is a tradition transplanted to Thelema Lodge from New Orleans, right below the Bible Belt. Consider this, brothers and sisters: THE FROG CROAKED FOR YOU! HE CROAKED, AND YET LIVES! PRAISE THE FROG! HOP-A-LULAH! Join the One True Church of the Great Green Frog for a Mardi Gras Crucifixion Parade through South Berkeley on Tuesday morning 3 March. Contact Rev. Jim for details. Smash your TV!
It is cold within the nether skies; | |
Yet I flow through the darkness streaming | |
Down to where, in stoupor screaming | |
As her labor bursts her thighs, | |
There is blood and pain and - there it lies! | |
With a frightened passion churning | |
In my soulless body, burning | |
Vortex of unholy yearning, | |
Gaze I on the sightless eyes. | |
Then, just ere the infant's natal cries | |
Ring out into the still, black morning | |
With it's fright and lethal warning, | |
Time and space of matter scorning, | |
Sheath I in this new disguise! | |
Thus it is that none of Fairey ever dies. | |
Though the sacrament be spoken | |
With the eucharist for token | |
It is so they may be broken | |
By the art the elfin plies. | |
First published in The Grady Project #1 (October 1987 e.v.).
by Aleister Crowley
Irish Republic Born in New York Harbor
Ten Patriots at Daybreak Renounce Allegiance to England Near Statue of Liberty
Independence is Declared
Sympathy with Germany, They Say, a Matter of Expediency-Then They Breakfast at Jack's
As dawn was slowly spreading over the city on the morning of July 3, a thirty-foot
launch slipped from the recreation pier at the foot of West Fiftieth Street and glided down
the Hudson. On board were ten persons, silent and serious with the consciousness of what was
to them a profoundly solemn and significant ceremony.
In the prow of the boat was Aleister Crowley, Irishman-poet, philosopher, explorer, a
man of mystic mind - the leader of an Irish hope. Of nearly middle age and mild in manner,
with the intellectual point of view colored with cabalistic interpretation, Crowley is an
unusual man, capably so to those who believe and feel in common with him. He has spent years
exploring in Persia, India, and Tibet, and he is the author of several volumes of
translations of the early writings of those countries. He is said to be a close friend of
William Butler Yeats, the Irish poet, and he has written several Irish poems himself.
In the boat also was Miss Leilah Waddell, whose mother was an Irish refugee of the last
generation and who believes herself an Irish patriot. She is a violinist and has appeared
publicly on several occasions since her recent coming to America. And among those in the
exotic party were one J. Dorr, an Irish editor who has published papers in both Ireland and
England, and Patrick Gilroy, an Irish agitator. All of those in the launch were Irish. Most
of them have come to this country since the beginning of the war.
Ready to War on England
The members of the party consider themselves members of the secret Revolutionary
Committee of Public Safety of the Provisional Government of the Irish Republic, and their
early morning mission of July 3 was to declare the independence of the Irish Republic, which
included a declaration of war against England, and to pledge their allegiance to the
government of their vision.
The little launch passed from the river into the bay and stopped off Bedloe's Island,
under the Statue of Liberty. The time and place chosen for the ceremony were considered
brightly propitious. There was the poetic significance of the dawn, the great figure of
Liberty enlightening the world was symbolic of the dreamed-of republic, the season was the
anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the United States. And the leader of the
party, Crowley, in whose mysticism there is something of astrology, had read the heavens and
found that the conjunction of certain stars was auspicious for Ireland at exactly 4:32
o'clock on the morning of July 3.
So, with the launch a few feet off Bedloe's Island, at the moment of 4:32 o'clock,
Crowley rose to begin the ceremony. He said:
"I have not asked any great human audience to listen to these words; I had rather
address them to the unconquerable ocean that surrounds the world, and to the free four winds
of heaven. Facing the sunrise, I lift up my hands and my soul herewith to this giant figure
of Liberty, the ethical counterpart of the Light, Life, and Love which are our spiritual
heritage. In this symbolical and most awful act of religion I invoke the one true God of
whom the sun himself is but a shadow that he may strengthen me in heart and hand to uphold
that freedom for the land of my sires, which I am come hither to proclaim.
"In this dark moment, before the father orb of our system kindles with his kiss the sea,
I swear the great oath of the Revolution. I tear with my hands this token of slavery, this
safe conduct from the enslaver of my people, and I renounce forever all allegiance to every
alien tyrant. I swear to fight to the last drop of my blood to liberate the men and women of
Ireland, and I call upon the free people of this country, on whose hospitable shores I stand
an exile, to give me countenance and assistance to my task of breaking those bonds which they
broke for themselves 138 years ago.
Unfurl Irish Flag
"I unfurl the Irish flag. I proclaim the Irish Republic. Erin go Bragh. God save
As the bits of the torn English passport scattered over the surface of the water the
Irish flag, a green field supporting a golden harp, flapped free in the breeze from a mast in
the bow of the boat.
Solemnly then the Declaration of Independence of Ireland was read. It is:
We, the secret Revolutionary Committee of Public Safety of the Provisional Government of
the Irish Republic, hereby authorize our spokesman and delegate, Brother Aleister Crowley,
No. 418, in our name and in our behalf, to promulgate the proclamation following:
In so grave a circumstance of human affairs as the declaration of war or revolution, it
is customary that those whose conscience and free-will alike impel them to take up arms against other men, should state openly the causes of their resorting to so dread efficacy of
Peace and good-will are the ruling passions of the better sort among mankind; and for
these to turn therefrom argues the existence of a state intolerable to free men. We hold
this truth to be self-evident, that all men and women are created unequal; and our justice
wills that this prejudice of nature be redressed, so far as is possible to human effort, by
assuring to each and every one of them equality of rights before the law, and the right to
make, alter, or repeal that law itself; and, by assuring to each and every one of them
freedom to develop the powers of the soul, spiritual, moral, mental, or physical without
interference from any other person or persons, so far as that development may prove
compatible with the equal rights of others.
Right to Rebel
To obtain these advantages of security and freedom is the object of all proper
government; and it is not only the right of every man for himself, but his duty to his
neighbor, to refuse obedience to any authority which does not serve its people to this end
with loyalty and fidelity. What then must be the right and duty of every member of a nation
not only misgoverned, but governed for the purpose of exploitation by an alien, usurping, and
inferior race?
For many centuries this particular wrong has been suffered with a patience and
gentleness not unworthy of the Saviour of Mankind, by the Irish people; but as to endure
oppression with meekness is the pride and prerogative of God, it is not for man to usurp it.
The free and independent spirit of the people of Ireland is weary of the continued crimes of
the English tyrants; and, seeing no end possible but the success of the oppressors in their
systematic annihilation of the people, dares the desperate alternative of revolt.
For, as is notorious in every country of the inhabited globe, the deliberate policy of
England from the first conquest of Ireland has been endowed with that admirable virtue of
consistency which is the spine of good intention, but in this case props the determination to
destroy a people.
The land of Ireland has been stolen from the people of Ireland, both by armed aggression
and by the chicaneries of unjust law.
The labor of Ireland has been sterilized and thwarted by the envy of British industries.
The people of Ireland have been enslaved by a ferocious constabulary, militia, and
soldiery, enforcing laws intended to weaken the people directly by coercion or indirectly by
impoverishment. The right of political action has been denied to them, and the sacrilegious
hand of atheistic oligarchy has been lifted even against the freedom of religious thought.
The means of private assassination and of public massacre have been freely employed
against the people, and when even the soldier turned with disgust from the task of a butcher,
famine and pestilence were deliberately brought upon the land by the calculating craft of the
robbers, tyrants, and murderers that bear rule over them.
So comprehensive, so infamous, and so continuous a conspiracy is unparalleled in the
annals of humanity; and were we to precise and to detail the crimes against our people which
already overload the scroll of the recording angel, and now bare the sword of the avenging
angel of God, we think that not even earth itself could contain the document of their mere
"Hatred of Their Tyrant"
Nor have the Irish people been inactive in measures directed to appease the unnatural
hatred of their tyrant. They have sought by every lawful means to obtain some alleviation of
our sempiternal suffering. They have made political overtures only to be rejected, or
nullified by the adroitness of the lawyer. They have sacrificed freely their best blood, for
their sons have been the best soldiers of the usurper; and England has answered by their
deliberate massacre in battle.
We believe that earth itself revolts at the recital of these tyrannies and treasons; we
believe that God Himself is weary of beholding these intolerable evils; and we believe in
consequence that the hour is come when desperation should be transformed into resolution,
patience inflamed to wrath, and Peace, folding her wings upon her face, mournfully beckon
We, therefore, the secret Revolutionary Committee of Public Safety of the Provisional Government of the Irish Republic, by the mouth of our trusty and well-beloved delegate and
spokesman, Brother Aleister Crowley, No. 418, do decree and proclaim:
1. That, we put our trust and confidence in the Judge of the whole world, appealing to
Him to witness the righteousness of our intent.
2. That, declaring England the enemy of civilization, justice, equality, and freedom,
and therefore of the human race, we do hereby lawfully establish the Republic of the Men and
Women of the Irish People, free and independent by right human and divine, having full power
to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliance, establish commerce, and to do all other
things which independent States may of right do.
Repudiate England
3. That we do hereby dissolve all political connection between that Republic and the
usurper, absolving of their allegiance to England (a) all free people of good will that are
of Irish blood, (b) all free people of good will born in Ireland, (c) all free people of good
will who may hereafter desire to partake of the benefits of the Irish Republic, and
effectually acquire these rights by the forms provided.
4. That, we do hereby declare war upon England until such time as our demands being
granted, our rights recognized, and our power firmly established in our own country, from
which we are now exiled, we may see fit to restore to her the blessings of peace, and to
extend to her the privileges of friendship.
And for the support of this declaration, with a firm and hearty reliance upon the
protection of God, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred
Long live the Irish Republic.
The official copy of this declaration of independence is "signed by order and on behalf
of the committee" by "Aleister Crowley, 418," and "attested" by "L. Bathurst, 11."
With the conclusion of the reading of the declaration, the launch headed up the Hudson
River, proceeding near the western shore, Miss Waddell playing patriotic Irish airs on her
violin. The music and the large Irish flag, now plainly visible in the increasing light,
identified the boat to the seamen on the German ships interned at the Hoboken waterfront, and
they cheered the small company of Irishmen lustily. The Captain of the Hamburg-American line
tug which happened to be standing off with steam up near the Vaterland, turned out into the
river and escorted the launch to its landing at Fiftieth Street. Incidentally it was noted
by those in the launch that as they passes by the French and English ships at the piers on
the eastern side of the river the sailors on them cheered as loudly as the Germans had.
Breakfast at Jack's
The party left the launch and went to Jack's restaurant for breakfast, where a number of
late revelers did not seem to disturb the spirit of their gathering.
A touch of comedy to the ceremonies over which Crowley and his companions laughed
themselves the next day was that the party had intended to go through their ritual on the
steps at the base of the Statue of Liberty, but, giving more mind to the vision of the Irish
Republic than to practical details, those who arranged the journey neglected to obtain
Governmental permission to land on Bedloe's Island. When the launch stopped at the dock,
therefore, a stolid watchman who displayed neither Irish nor English sympathies, but who had
fluent command of New York's most emphatic language, refused to let the patriots set foot on
the "land of liberty." So the ceremonies were held in the boat while it drifted near the
The particular avowed purpose of the representatives of the "committee" in America is to
spread propaganda that will contribute, at the end of the European war, to the establishment
of the Republic of Ireland. Members of the committee in Ireland, according to information
obtained by a representative of the New York Times are now engaged in a secret effort to
dissuade Irishmen from enlisting in the English Army. But those members of the committee who
will talk of their business at all admit that there is no immediate intention of an attempt
to wage active war on England by the instigation of an armed rebellion in Ireland. It is
said that the present purpose of the formal declaration of war against England is more to enlist the sympathies of Irish and of Americans to the "cause" than to bring about what even
the most visionary enthusiasts of the movement recognize as an impracticable war.
Aleister Crowley was displeased when the news of the ceremonies at Bedloe's Island and
of the formation of the "committee" came into the possession of The Times, and he declined to
discuss his plans and purposes further than to acknowledge the fact set forth. An American
who is acquainted with Crowley's beliefs and intentions, however, while frankly admitting
that the Irishmen of the "committee" sympathize with Germany in the present war, asserted
that this was due to anti-English feelings and not to any natural love of things Germaine.
The members of the "committee" see in Germany, according to their unofficial spokesman, a
factor that will impair the power of England to oppress them. That is all.
New York, July 19, 1915
March 1, 1888 | Isis Urania Temple NO.3 of the G ![]() ![]() |
March 3, 1924 | Sonia Greene and H.P. Lovecraft are married, Sonia confided to a friend, that Lovecraft (who had foresightly read some books on sex) could indeed perform, he was sexually adequate - but little else. |
March 4, 1923 | The British forerunner of our ENQUIRER & STAR, the SUNDAY EXPRESS headlines report, 'This man Crowley is one of the most sinister figures of modern times. He is a drug fiend, author of vile books, the spreader of obscene practices,' |
March 5, 1887. | The local doctor advised an immediate operation for cancer of the tongue, Plymouth Brethren from near and far were summoned to help discover the Lord's will in the matter, the operation was declined. Edward Crowley, Plymouth Brethren preacher and father of Aleister Crowley dies. |
March 9, 1929 | Aleister Crowley and Israel Regardie are told they must go and are expelled from France, after an inspector called on them and argued that their coffee-brewing machine was an infernal device for distilling drugs. |
March 10, 1985 | After exchanging insulting letters, he rejected Crowley and repudiated all contact with other magicians. Eventually his activities would lead him back to the Beast. Israel Regardie dies in Arizona on this date. |
March 13, 1911 | Laffette Ron Hubbard is born, the founder of Scientology. His son upon leaving the 'Church' would say,"What a lot of people don't realize is that Scientology is black magic that is just spread out over a long time period. Black magic is the inner core of Scientology -- and it is the probably the only part of Scientology that really works." |
March 13, 1926 | Lea Hersig's sister Marian Dockerill wrote an expose of Aleister Crowley's cult it was called MY LIFE IN A LOVE CULT. It was serialized by the NEW YORK JOURNAL. This date's installment went like this : When Crowley told her she was to be his High Priestess, his goddess, she did not demur. Kneeling in a chalked circle on the floor, she let him brand the symbol of the cult on her [chest] with the point of a red-hot dagger. He the 'Beast of the Apocalypse' and she, his bride, the Scarlet Woman of Babylon. |
March 14, 1946 | A German occultist who influenced Hitler, Gen. Karl Haushofer kills his wife and commits hari kari. |
March 15, 1937 | Howard Phillips Lovecraft dies at age 46. |
March 16, 1904 | Aleister Crowley recited an invocation in order to enable his wife (Rose) to see the Sylphs, the elemental spirits of water. Rose saw nothing, but got into a curious dream state in which she kept repeating "They are waiting for you." |
March 16, 1244 | After a ten months siege, two hundred Carthar `Perfects' surrender their castle fortress of Montsegur, and are burned at the stake rather than giving up their faith. |
March 18, 1313 | Jacques De Molay the Grand Master of the Templars is burned at the stake |
March 19, 1954 | An injunction against Wilhelm Reich's inventions are issued by a U.S. District Judge of Maine. |
March 20, 1979 | The Articles of Incorporation of the O.T.O. are established. |
March 21, 1904 | Aleister Crowley takes the Oath of a Probationer in the A ![]() ![]() |
March 23, 1895 | Dr.Gerard Encausse `Papus' takes 0° = 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
March 13, 1900 | Mathers dismisses Florence Farr from her position as his London representative of the G ![]() ![]() |
March 25, 1900 | Aleister Crowley receives a letter from Soro Deo Date, Mrs. E.A. Hunter stating that the London Second Order did not recognize his 5° = 6 ![]() |
March 26, 1582 | The Enochian language first appears to Dee and Kelly. |
March 27, 1931 | Arnold Bennett, who died on this date, wrote in his private journal in 1905, "I dined at Chat Blanc. A.C. was there with dirty hands, immense rings, presumably dyed hair, a fancy waistcoat, a fur coat, and tennis shoes." |
March 29, 1900 | The London Adepts hold a meeting and decide to depose Mathers as head of the Golden Dawn. |
3/1/92 | Gnostic Mass 8:00 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/1/92 | Lodge Council & LOP | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/2/92 | Thelema Lodge Meeting 8PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/8/92 | Gnostic Mass 8:00 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/9/92 | Ladies' T 5:30PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/12/92 | Magick in Theory and Practice Study Circle with Marlene 7PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/14/92 | Jerry's videorhea. Call to attend. | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/15/92 | E.G.C. Meeting & Mass Wkshop 4:18PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/15/92 | Gnostic Mass 8:00 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/18/92 | Class of Liber Reguli with Bill 8PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/20/91 | Bernal Equinox Ritual 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/21/92 | Initiations (call to attend) | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/22/92 | Experimental Mass 8:00 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/24/92 | "Magick without Aleister" with Fr. Majnun 8 PM & Guests from Rasheeta Subod | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/25/92 | Magick Theater reads Crowley: The Gouls 7:30 PM | Magick Thea. | ||
3/26/92 | Magick in Theory and Practice Study Circle with Marlene 7PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/27/92 | Planetary Ritual Class 7:30 PM on SOL, ritual next Sunday w/Mark S. | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/28/92 | Jerry's Logorrhea. Call to attend. | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/29/92 | Lodge Clean-up 1:11 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/29/92 | Aries Birthday 4:18 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/29/92 | Gnostic Mass 8:00 PM | Thelema Ldg. |
The viewpoints and opinions expressed herein are the responsibility of the
contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of OTO or its
Note to update: the addresses and phone numbers in these issues of the Thelema Lodge Calendars are obsolete since the closing of the Lodge. They are here for historic purposes only and should not be visited or called.
Thelema Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O. Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
Phone: (510) 652-3171 (for events info and contact to Lodge)
Production and Circulation:
P.O.Box 430
Fairfax, CA 94978 USA
Internet: (Submissions and circulation only)