Note to update: the addresses and phone numbers in these issues of the Thelema Lodge Calendars are obsolete since the closing of the Lodge. They are here for historic purposes only and should not be visited or called.
Thelema Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O.Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
May 1995 e.v. at Thelema Lodge
Announcements from
Lodge Members and Officers
The cycle of planetary rituals which Crowley wrote and performed in 1910
e.v. as The Rites of Eleusis has been revived by Northern California
Thelemites at approximately annual intervals for more than fifteen years, with
this year's cycle being projected for late summer and early autumn. Sirius
Oasis has scheduled an initial planning meeting for the Rites on Wednesday
evening 24th May at 8:00 in north Berkeley. Call the Oasis at (510) 527-2855
for information and directions. All who have expressed advance interest in
acting the god-forms this year should be present at this meeting, or at least
send a representative.
The usual "second Wednesday" Oasis meeting has been postponed this month to
accommodate the twelfth annual Ancient Ways Festival, held from Wednesday 10th
through Sunday 14th May at Harbin Hot Springs in Middletown, California.
Several hundred pagans of all persuasions will be camping out together, with a
full schedule of ritual and musical events, workshops, sales booths, and of
course pools of all temperatures full of bodies of all kinds. One special
attraction will be the Saturday afternoon performance by The Invertebrates,
the renown Thelemic band. Although this is not an O.T.O. event, the lodge
community has always been well represented at the festival, and Sirius Oasis
will also send a contingent. To attend, contact the Ancient Ways store at
4075 Telegraph Avenue in Oakland, or call (510) 653-3244 before 7:00 PM.
Join the Section Two Reading Group at Oz House in Oakland on Thursday
evening 18th May at 8:00 for an examination of the Victorian view of Eastern
thought and life, as recommended to AA aspirants in Kipling's Kim. This
tale of a British teenager gone native as a beggar in the Punjab, who becomes
the chela of a Tibetan lama on a pilgrimage across India in search of the Holy
River, and is also trained as an agent in the imperial intelligence network,
may seem (as does so much of Kipling) easier to enjoy than to praise. Rudyard
Kipling, who was ten years older than Crowley, wrote Kim --- his greatest novel
--- in Vermont and in England after leaving India in 1889. It appeared in
1901, six years before the award to Kipling of the first Nobel Prize for
literature in English.
Crowley was often critical in his references to Kipling, whose writing is
sometimes puritanical and often tainted by odd affectations, and by vulgar
habits of address retained from his career as a journalist. But Crowley
shared Kipling's imperialistic ethos with surprising enthusiasm; in Confessions Kipling is praised for "his general attitude about India" and the
British raj there. "We conquered the peninsula by sheer moral superiority.
Our unity, our self-respect, our courage, honesty, and sense of justice
awakened the wonder, commanded the admiration, and enforced the obedience of
those who either lacked those qualities altogether, possessed some of them and
felt the lack of others, or had, actually or traditionally, sufficient of them
to make them the criteria of right and ability to govern" (1969 ed., p. 285).
Kipling's pervasive sense of Law, his freemasonic idealism, and his religious
tolerance must also have appealed to Crowley, despite the dogged mediocrity of
his moral and aesthetic ideals, and the drab regimentation which tied Kipling
back to the old aeon.
The Thelema Lodge Astrological Study Group meets regularly on the last
Friday of each month. Our next meeting will take place on the evening of 26th
May from 7:00 to 9:00, at Grace's house in Berkeley. Continuing the theme of
"Cycles within Cycles," the discussion this month will center around the
planet Pluto, which entered the sign of Sagittarius at the beginning of the
year, and has now returned to the sign of Scorpio until November, when it
again shifts into Sagittarius. Pluto through history is like the hour hand on
a very large clock. Pluto's historical significance, its impact on society as
a whole, as well as the way it effects you individually, will be explored at
this meeting. Please call ahead if you plan to attend at (510) 843-STAR.
Join Brother Bill Heidrick for an evening of theoretical and practical
Magick as the Thelema Lodge M. T. P. Series continues this month on Wednesday
17th May. The group meets at Bill's home in San Anselmo at 7:30; first time
attendants call (415) 454-5176 for directions. We will commence our
discussion of the various Rituals and Libers in Appendix VII.
Rhythmic control is always a foundation of magical technique, in language
as in other forms of operation. Verse --- the yoga of speech --- employs
controlled rhythm to keep utterances durable and definite, to maintain meaning
in an accessible form so that we can find it and put it to use again when we
like. Thelema Lodge offers a monthly reading group working together with the
magical principles of language, reading verse of all sorts to each other and
making sense of it together. The Grady McMurtry Poetry Society meets in the
lodge library with Frater P.I. on Saturday evening 27th May at 7:30. Bring
your choice of verse to read, or request selections from the extensive
literary collections on hand.
Twice a month the lodge offers open library nights, with attendance by
advance arrangement. Dates proposed this month are Monday 15th May and
Tuesday 30th May, from 8:00 to 10:00, and are subject to change by request.
Additional study time in the library can often be scheduled with the officers.
Lately we have been working to expand the library into the computer room below
the temple, and Thelema Lodge Librarian Sister Stacey has drawn up a detailed
proposal for a lending library which we could establish in this space. If
there is a commitment to this project, we hope to put it into operation in a
month or two, and offers of present assistance might greatly further its
progress at this point.
Plan ahead for O.T.O. initiations early next month, on Saturday afternoon 3
June at 6:00. All active initiates will be welcome, but all attending should
make advance contact with one of the lodge officers. A feast will follow the
Our Feast of Liber AL in April was one of the lodge's most memorable,
including a Gnostic nuptial mass in Horus Temple for Ebony and Liesl, with the
bride embodying Nuit for us before the ceremony and reading out the first
chapter from the altar. Assisted by Gnostic Bishop T Mendacious as deacon,
Bishops T Theodora and T Dionysus celebrated the special marriage communion,
following Liber XV but with the Collects abbreviated: the Bride read the
"Lord" and the "Sun," then her Espoused read the "Lady" and the "Moon," and
the Priest and Priestess closed with "Marriage" in unison. The loving couple
were then literally bound together with a long garland of roses and jasmine,
and pronounced a wedded pair. Afterwards we all had cheesecake and raspberry
lemonade. Mr. and Mrs. Reese wish to thank everyone who helped out with the
wedding and all who were able to be there to share it.
A day later on the stroke of noon we gathered again, nearby in Nu Temple at
Oz House, for chapter two. Frater Kheti (Brother James) graced us with a wise
and confident pronouncement in the voice of Hadit, a reading and demonstration
of the principles of Thelema. The beloved little temple at Oz, which in well
remembered years gone by served as the longest established of the our lodge
temples, remains the most powerfully charged Gnostic ritual space in the Bay
area. Thelema Lodge is grateful to Oz for maintaining it so well as an
alternative to our less intimate and less experienced temple in Rockridge.
Afterwards we poured forth into the Garden of Oz for an afternoon devoted to
chapter two, which was read out again and again on the lawn by latecomers too
pagan to tell time.
For Ra-Hoor-Khuit the following evening Sirius Oasis organized our assembly
together in the Ancient Ways store with scarlet woman Soror Terri Sal, to hear
her read and watch her burn. At the end as the smoke slowly cleared, we
chatted in the store or out on the Telegraph Avenue evening sidewalk. Like
Crowleymass and the Rites, the Holy Days are a time when we see some of our
wiser members come out of retirement, and contacts are reestablished with old
friends and brothers who have worked on into other dimensions. We all thank
you very much for joining us.
by Aleister Crowley
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Few visitors to Sicily ever visit the town of Cefalu. Palermo, Tairmina,
and Mount Etna, with few carriage excursions, represent Sicily to the average
traveler. Yet this town, dating from the remotest antiquity, filled with
treasures corresponding to each period of Sicily at its greatest, and within
two hours journey of Palermo, is one of the most interesting and attractive
places in the whole island.
It is a mediaeval town dominated by a huge rock, on which stand the broken
walls of the Temples of Jupiter and Diana, of Saracen and Norman fortresses,
and Roman houses. It commands a view across the Mediterranean to the Lipari
Islands. Inland are mountains that separate the coast from the plains of
Enna, where Persephone was carried away by Pluto under the Earth.
The glory of the town is its Norman Cathedral, decorated by Byzantine
mosaics, which are comparable with those of Ravenna.
For the rest, it is an old Italian town of enormously high houses and
narrow streets. Some of the alleys are not more than three feet wide. Every
street leads to the sea from which one can watch the fishing fleet stand out
with lateen sails like white birds.
Lately another attraction of a different kind has been added to the place;
a College of the Holy Ghost has been established there by an English Mystic
and his disciples. This College (there are others in various parts of the
world) has been established so that those Aspirants to the knowledge of the
Gnosis who desire to devote all their time and attention to Attainment may
here find the proper seclusion and environment, and the personal touch of the
Master who has given to the World the Law of Thelema: the Law of Life, Love,
Liberty and Light --- "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law", "Love
is the law, love under will."
The essence of this Law is to give a meaning to life. It is not a matter
of license, or a denial of Responsibility; on the contrary, it is the most
austere formula ever promulgated. The idea is that each person should
discover for himself the purpose for which he has taken up residence on this
planet --- in orthodox Christian terms, the Will of God in creating him --- and
devote himself exclusively to its fulfillment.
One of the rooms of the College has been decorated by the Lord Abbot, who
is celebrated, not only as a Magician, but as a big-game hunter, poet,
explorer, and painter, to carry out Spiritual Training. The principal
features are three large walls painted in fresco, representing Earth, Hell,
and Heaven, in a riot of colour and sensuous imagery. The purpose of these
pictures is to enable people, by contemplation, to purify their minds; but
even for those who are not interested in the psychology of the Chambre des
Cauchemars, it is worth a visit for bold and brilliant distinctions of sublime
idealism, sexual passion, and insane obsession.
Here, cheek by jowl with poetic raptures, stand the most grotesque,
terrible, and revolting phantasmagoria; the visions which tormented St.
Anthony are fixed in a medley of tempestuous images, where insanity and
obscenity seem to wrestle against each other for the mastery of the beholder's
mind. Despite the natural repugnance which the fear of Reality has created in
the average mind, fascination of these cartoons is irresistible.
The purpose of this room is to pass students of the Sacred Wisdom through
the ordeal of contemplating every possible phantom which can assail the soul.
Candidates for this initiation are prepared by a certain secret process of
excitement before spending the night in the room; the effect is that the
figures on the walls seem actually to become alive, to bewilder and obsess the
spirit that has dared to confront their malignity. Those who have come
successfully through the trial say that they have become immunized from all
possible infection by those ideas of evil which interfere between the soul and
its divine Self. Having been forced to fathom the Abysses of Horror, to
confront the most ghastly possibilities of Hell, they have attained permanent
mastery of their minds.
The process is similar to that of Psycho-analysis; it releases the subject
from fear of Reality and the phantoms and neuroses thereby caused, by
externalizing and thus disarming the spectres that lie in ambush for the Soul
of Man.
The room is open to the inspection of visitors on certain conditions. The
Abbey offers hospitality to all who, in the opinion of the Virgin Guardian of
the Sangraal, stand in need of it.
There is an excellent train service to and from Palermo and Messina. The
Rome-Palermo expresses all stop at Cefalu.
Paintings in the Chambre des Couchemars
North-East Wall ---
Main Wall: HELL --- La Nature Malade.
(This picture is too complicated to be described effectively. The general
idea is to present a variety of natural objects in such form and colour as is
most antipathetic to their qualities.) All we see depends on our senses:
suppose they lie to us? Remember that as soon as you perceive the actual
conditions of consciousness there is no such thing as Truth. Cf. Henri
Poincaré, the Hon. Bertrand Russell, etc.) You have not only no guarantee
that you know anything for certain, but the certainty that nothing can
possibly be known for certain. Even the axioms of mathematics are no more
than the most convenient factions available in our present circumstances. We
can never know whether two and two make four, or even what "two" may mean; we
can only agree to agree on an arbitrary interpretation of fancied phenomena,
which we know to be inaccurate. What we call "God" may be only our diseased
delirium-phantom, and His reality the one-eyed rotten-toothed petrifaction of
Malice shewn in the picture. And so forth, on parallel principles, for the
other insane abominations which blaspheme our faith in the Order and Fitness
of animate and inanimate Nature.
Below: Four Degenerates between Christian and Jew at Prayer.
Men worship only their own weaknesses personified. "Hell" is based upon
false intellectual and moral consciousness.
Wall above door: Japanese Devil-boy Insulting Visitors.
Each soul has its own Special Means of Grace.
Double panel of door: Faithful on the Gallows.
Death may release Love, which life has bound, and join those it has
Walls of arch: Chinese Demon (right).
The Scarlet Woman (left).
Life is a passage between the mysteries of Power and Love: these appall and
revolt us insofar as we refuse to accept reality, and set up ideal standards suited to flatter our follies and anaesthetize us to out fears. Grotesque and
cruel lust, obscene and shameless lasciviousness, are inherent in Nature: he
who accepts the facts of the case finds that they are only the forms which his
own Fear has imposed upon the realities of Life and Love.
Shelves. (Part of north west main picture below shelves.)
North West Wall ---
Wall above window: The Sea-Coast of Tibet; Egyptian Aztecs arriving from Norway.
You never know in how strange a world you live and what strange things may
come to you.
Toad (on North-East wall) watching Sam Weller imposing Silence on Oxonian (or possibly Sir Owen Seaman); in front of these, a Dragon-Serpent begins to devour the Seven Hanged Wives in Bluebeard's Closet.
Honesty, high courage and wit, shame pompous couture, and dominate its
purposeless powers. Silent Watching (with the jewel of Illumination in your
head) makes you an indifferent spectator of destruction as it seizes the
seven-headed dead passions (seven deadly sins). An eighth noose "to Let"
awaits your own particular weakness.
Wall left of window: Monestary on the Caucasus.
There is a City of Refuge in the Mountains for you, if you will understand
the strength of Silence and Solitude. Every Tower is creative, and every Gate
The Window: The Long-Legged Lesbians (recess).
However desperately your perverse details run after you, you can evade them
by fixing your gaze on the light, and they must be content with each other.
Shutter: Dancing Girls (panel, inside).
When you shut out the Light of Heaven you are liable to see hideous forms
which allure you.
Panels outside: Tahitian Girl and her Eurasian Lover (lower rear).
Shamelessness always attracts those whose nature is not pure.
Temple at Sunset.
Although, when earth-light fades, the House of God becomes hard to see, it
still stands upon its Rock.
A Girl in a Garden.
Nature is naked; there is no danger unless you interfere by attaching
unnecessary ideas.
Four Monks Carrying a Black Goat Across the Snow to Nowhere (lower left).
Holy Power, walking in the ways of Purity, can safely dispose of the Evil
Brute personally which man is compelled to carry.
I am the Commando | |
I have neither Father, nor Mother | |
Nor Sister, nor Brother | |
I was born to kill -- | |
And death is my destiny, for I am expendable. | |
(litany) | |
We are the varied Legions of the Doomed | |
By shadow light of night we storm the shore | |
And break, to spume the beach with bloody gore | |
Against the emplaced cannon, and the roar | |
Of strafing aircraft sluicing down the loomed | |
Embroidered traceries of flaming shell | |
Whose cry the monstrous bat of nether hell | |
Would answer as the mating call, and dwell | |
Among the new cut dead not yet entombed. | |
I am the Commando | |
My Father burned in lakes of flaming oil | |
Blown from a tanker's crushed, torpedoed bowels | |
I was born to kill --- | |
And death is my destiny, for I am expendable. | |
(litany) | |
We are the varied Legions of the Damned | |
Out of the night our barges loom and spill | |
The implements of war; the shadows kill | |
With lightening stab, then fade into the still | |
Black dawn that rings the Fortress, and the jammed | |
Troop-transport planes have sown their deadly capes | |
While bombers dive, with slitted mouth that gapes | |
To drip its poison on the beast who apes | |
The upright form of Man. We are the damned. | |
I am the Commando | |
My Mother's bruised and mangled body bore | |
The mute and silent testament of rape | |
I was born to kill -- | |
And death is my destiny, for I am expendable. | |
(litany) | |
We are the varied legions of the Doomed | |
By shadow light, etc. | |
I am the Commando | |
My Sister's body lies in bloody shreds | |
Where bombs have torn it limb from shattered limb | |
I was born to kill -- | |
And death is my destiny, for I am expendable. | |
(litany) | |
We are the varied Legions of the Damned | |
Out of the night, etc. | |
I am the Commando | |
In some mass grave my only Brother keeps good company | |
With those long crucified upon the Iron Cross | |
I was born to kill -- | |
And death is my destiny, for I am expendable. | |
(litany) | |
We are the varied legions of the Doomed | |
By shadow light, etc. | |
I am the Commando | |
I have neither Father, nor Mother | |
Nor Sister, nor Brother | |
I was born to kill -- | |
And death is my destiny, for I am expendable. | |
Amen (chorus) | |
This poem was written at the close of Grady's army training, a few months after he had been given command of his first company, and a few months before he was sent to Europe. Having been inducted in February 1941 e.v., he rose from Private to Captain during his five years of service. One of his most baldly martial statements, this piece has previously appeared only in Red Flame 1 (Oakland: O.T.O., 1994).
Derived from a lecture series in 1977 e.v. by Bill Heidrick
Copyright © Bill Heidrick
For this procedure, it's helpful to have a colored diagram of the Tree of
Life to assist in visualizing the colored lights about portions of the body.
There are two ideal physical postures in which this exercise can be performed.
You don't really have to use them. You can sit in a chair or in any manner
that's comfortable, but these help things line up properly with your body.
The simplest is just to stand straight; and a little bit more complex one is
to assume a full lotus, padmasana. Just get comfortable.
I'm going to describe all 32 parts of the Tree. With each one of them
there is going to be a color and a part of your physical body. Left and right
will be the opposite to the usual diagram of the Tree of Life, since you'll be
backed onto rather than looking at it. Look at a diagram of the Tree if you
need to help visualize a color, otherwise it is best to have the eyes closed.
Beneath your feet imagine a great sphere supporting you and holding up the
weight of your entire body. The sphere is the color of all the things of the
earth, the rich browns and greens, the russet colors, all the colors of the
things of the earth in a sphere beneath your feet. This is the place of
sensation of physical things. This is Malkut, the place of the senses. Fix
this image (vibrate the name "Malkut" aloud slowly).
Rising up from the sphere beneath your feet is the path of Tau on the Tree
of Life. It rises up from that sphere to a point just about and at your
loins, the place of the sexual organs. The color of the path is blue-violet
or deep indigo. This is the path whereby the impressions of the senses are
gathered together, meaning begins to form, and awareness begins to emerge from
this perception in Malkut along the path of Taw (vibrate "Taw").
About your loins and sexual organs a great violet sphere of light forms.
This is the place of Yesod on the Tree of Life, the place of all fantasy, of
all dreams, of all imaginings, the place where the impressions of the senses
tell stories, create pictures, fascinate the mind in vague but interesting
patterns. A violet sphere of light about your loins (vibrate "Yesod").
Now, rising up from above the sphere of Malkut beneath your feet, a beam of
red light connects that sphere to a point at your right hip. This is the path
of Shin whereby the sense perceptions are studied by reason. All the experiences in the physical world are studied, thought about and analyzed.
The path of Shin (vibrate "Shin").
Rising from the violet sphere at your loins is the path of Resh, an orange
beam of light going to the point of your right hip. This is the path whereby
all the experiences of fantasy and dream are studied and meaning is rationally
and logically found in them. The path of Resh (vibrate "Resh").
Imagine an orange sphere of light about your right hip. This is the place
of the Sephira Hod. This is the place where the rational view of dreams and
the world of the senses is gathered into a philosophy, a theory, or a view of
life, rigidly held in the mind and controlled as thought, the practicality of
life all gathered, the practicality of dreams understood, all gathered into
the sphere of Hod. An orange sphere of light about your right hip (vibrate
All things must have their balance, and the sphere of reason must be
balanced by the powers of emotion. An equal development must now take place
along the left. A crimson red-violet beam of light rises upward from Malkut
beneath your feet and touches your left hip. This is the path of Qoph, the
path whereby the feelings of the senses, the pleasures and the sadnesses are
all gathered together. No attempt is made to understand them with reason.
Only the feelings are gathered from the world of the senses. Along the path
of Qoph a crimson beam of light rises from beneath you to the point of your
left hip (vibrate "Qoph).
From the violet sphere of Yesod at your loins another path rises. This is
the path of Tzaddi. It rises from your loins to the point of your left hip.
Its color is violet, a violet beam of light from your loins to your left hip.
The path of Tzaddi gathers all the feelings that are resident in dreams and
fantasies and raises them upward, gathers them together without thinking,
without reason, just raising them up as a coherent set of feelings to the
point on your left hip (vibrate "Tzaddi").
A red beam of light crosses from right hip to left hip. This is the path
of Peh. It takes the things the mind has seized upon in Hod, the orange
sphere of light at your right hip, softens them, gentles them, and lets them
flow one with the other, so that they may have the life that we know as
feeling and motion. A red beam of light from your right hip to your left hip
(vibrate "Peh").
A green sphere forms at your left hip. This is the place of Netzach, the
place of all emotion that is in any way connected with life on the earth, with
dreams, and with structured thoughts in the mind. Netzach is the place of the
gathering of the emotional life. A green sphere of light on your left hip
(vibrate "Netzach").
At this moment we have reached the gatherings that most people have
experienced in one form or another, flickering with their life around and
around among these places of sense, of dream, of thought, and of emotion.
This is a lower world on the Tree of Life. It will soon be time to rise
upward to clarify these things and to reach a more cohesive whole.
Gather the thoughts from Hod, the orange sphere at your right hip, into a
dark indigo or blue-violet beam of light rising from your right hip up to the
center of your heart. This is the path of Ayin. This is the path whereby
those things that the mind holds rigidly are relaxed so that they may change
and assume new patterns that meld into the life that is change. The path of
Ayin, a blue violet beam of light rising from your right hip to the center of
your heart (vibrate "Ayin").
From the violet sphere of light at the center of your loins a blue beam
shoots upward to your heart. This is the path of Samekh. This is the path
where dim flickerings of imagination are drawn into a clear vision that is the
conception of life as a whole. The path of Samekh, a blue beam of light
rising from your loins to the area of your heart (vibrate "Samekh").
Now it is time to raise up and purify the emotions, the green sphere of
light of Netzach at your left hip. From that sphere a blue green beam of
light rises upward to your heart. This is a path whereby all particular emotions are seen to be a part of a greater flow of life. None of them are
sacred in themselves, they all gather into one great glory and change of
feeling. This clear feeling rises upward on the blue green beam of Nun to
reach the point of your heart (vibrate "Nun").
About the center of your body, including the place of the heart, is a
glowing golden sphere of light. This is Tipheret, the awareness of self.
This is awareness of what you are, of what you have done, of what you know,
and of what interests you. This is the center of self-awareness called
Tipheret, a golden sphere of light about your heart in the center of your
being (vibrate "Tipheret").
And now we must rise upward again. From the orange sphere of Hod at the
point of the right hip a blue beam of light rises to the right shoulder. This
is the path of Mem. By it the reflexes and the little thought-out things that
work in the physical world are changed, reversed and placed under the
obedience of higher thought and higher purpose. The path of Mem, a blue beam
of light rising from the right hip to the right shoulder (vibrate "Mem").
A green beam of light rises from the sphere of your heart to touch your
right shoulder, the path of Lamed. This is the path in which the things which
are yourself are weighed, judged, changed and set in their proper order. A
green beam of light going from the golden sphere about your heart to a point
at your right shoulder (vibrate "Lamed").
About your right shoulder a glowing red light forms the fire that changes,
blends and makes all things strong and perfect, the force that tempers the
metal of your life. This is the place of Geburah. A glowing red sphere of
light about your right shoulder (vibrate "Geburah").
All things must have their balance, all things must have their equal; we
must develop the other side. Rising from Netzach is a violet beam of light
issuing from the point of the left hip to the left shoulder, the path of Koph
whereby all the changes that occur in the emotions are seen to be part of a
great cycle, a pattern through which all emotion and all change is one
(vibrate "Koph").
A yellow-green beam of light rises from your heart to the your left
shoulder. This sacred way takes the spark of self and radiates up a
transcendence of self. The feeling of who I am becomes less linked into a
particular form, freed of restriction. The path of Yod (vibrate "Yod").
Joining your right shoulder to your left is the path of Tet, a yellow beam
of light from right shoulder to left shoulder. This is the gentling of the
harsh judgment of Geburah, the red sphere of light on your right shoulder.
The path of Tet brings all things to their right order without force, without
pressure (vibrate "Tet").
A blue sphere of light forms at your left shoulder. This is the place of
Chesed, of loving kindness, of the view of all gentleness and peace. There is
no force. There is no anguish. There is only the longing for perfection.
The sphere of blue light about your left shoulder (vibrate "Chesed").
Now it is necessary to pause, for we have ascended through all the humanly
knowable places. these must be gathered into wholeness before we cross the
Great Abyss. This is that which divides the mortal from the immortal and the
things experienced in life from the things beyond all life.
Netherwood, The Ridge St. Leonards-on-Sea 9th July, 1945 | ||
Dear Grady,
I think that is all for to-day. Love is the law, love under will. Yours ever, {signed} Aleister. |
As far as the origin of Tarot is concerned, precise information is lacking
and most legends appear to be inadequate. I suggest the following:
1. The idea of Suits and Courts appears to have originated in China, Korea
or Japan. From thence, it made it's way to India. The Islamic conquest of
most of India brought North African decks into existence, differening from the
Krishna Raj decks in some particulars.
2. The likely entry into Europe of the idea of card decks with Suits and
Courts appears to have been through Venetian Republic trade with the Islamic
3. The Trumps or "Triumphs" added to form the Minchiate and Tarot decks
appear to be simple renderings of European Comedia dell'Arte and folklore as
pictures --- no origin outside Europe for the pictures or the set of Major
4. Gypsy origin myths are utterly debunked, since the first appearance of
Gypsies in Western Europe is after the 14th century and the first mention of
Tarot decks in Western Europe.
5. Tarot Majors and Courts have often exhibited strong political influence
--- a matter that may suggest final form of the Majors in, around, or in satire
of the Court of Eleanor of Aquitaine.
6. The age of surviving decks and parts of decks only sets the latest point
of possible origin in time, not the earliest.
P.S. asked if that view implies that the layering of esoteric meaning by later occultists was simply association with the images on the Trumps.
The Comedia dell'Arte figures and the Renaissance Triumph processions
didn't come from nowhere. A common form of the Star Trump shows a
genuflecting female nude near water with two jugs either in hand or nearby ---
from pre-Roman Celtic art of a goddess by a sacred well, commonly called
"Covina" by the Romans and with various names, including "Brigid" throughout
Britain and France. That figure appears in decks from the 15th century, but I
don't recall it on fragmentary 14th century decks. The harvesting skeleton
version of the Death Trump can be found in dell'Arte, but it's pre-Roman as
well. People did change the images for reasons having to do with mysticism or
affiliation with membership in something. Strength was early in replacement
of Hercules by a woman and lion in many decks. The Juno-Popessa-High
Priestess Trump went through many changes. Some late decks put the Triple Tau
on the Charioteer.
P.S. then put forward that the designs were taken from pre-Renaissance symbols and adapted, possibly both for dell'Arte and the Tarot.
Similar public activity usage predates Tarot in Europe by centuries.
Remember that the earliest decks were often hand-painted wedding gifts with
personal references in the Trump design. A Visconti-Sforza deck currently
available in reproduction has a family member of unfortunate history depicted
on the Popessa. The Visconti arms do not appear on the Ace of Swords in that deck, but they are the most common art on the Ace of Swords in most decks
after that time.
A question of the original use came up: were the Tarot invented for games?
This is a chicken and egg problem. Chinese "domino" currency appears to
have been the first printed money. The denomination was represented by
patterns of dots on one side. This led to the invention of gambling games
using the actual money as game tokens and the evolution both of Dominos and
the pips on some Tarot and all modern 52 card decks. Face it, Tarot was
designed by a committee over centuries and thousands of miles. Products are
still popping up, including baseball cards and lottery scratchers. The fact
that there is some cohesion at all is but one of the arguements for the
presence of the invisible Architect of the Universe.
Y.B. questioned the existence of any Tarot in Europe as early as the 14th century.
A good reference is A History of Playing Cards and a Bibliography of Cards and Gaming by Catherine Perry Hargrave, Dover, 1966 e.v. (reprint of the 1930
e.v. Houghton Mifflin Co. edition). Page 31 of that work is where to start
reading. The Gringonneur decks are mentioned in the 1392 e.v. register of the
Chambre des Comptes of Charles VI of France. The Hargrave book mentions
existence of Tarot in France, Flanders, Germany and Italy before 1350 e.v.
5/5/95 | Beltain ritual at Oz House. 8PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
5/7/95 | Lodge Luncheon meeting 12:30 | Thelema Ldg. | ||
5/7/95 | Gnostic Mass 7:30PM Horus Temple | Thelema Ldg. | ||
5/10/95 | Ancient Ways Pagan Festival at Harbin | non-OTO | ||
5/11/95 | Ancient Ways Pagan Festival at Harbin | non-OTO | ||
5/12/95 | Ancient Ways Pagan Festival at Harbin | non-OTO | ||
5/13/95 | Ancient Ways Pagan Festival at Harbin | non-OTO | ||
5/14/95 | Gnostic Mass 7:30PM Horus Temple | Thelema Ldg. | ||
5/15/95 | Thelema Lodge Library night 8PM (call to attend) | Thelema Ldg. | ||
5/17/95 | Magick in Theory and Practice class with Bill in San Anselmo 7:30PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
5/18/95 | Section 2 reading group, 8PM at OZ Kim by Kipling, with Caitlin | Thelema Ldg. | ||
5/21/95 | Gnostic Mass 7:30PM Horus Temple | Thelema Ldg. | ||
5/24/95 | Rites of Eleusis Planning meeting 8PM at Sirius Oasis | Sirius Oasis | ||
5/26/95 | Astrological Cycles with Grace 7 PM, Berkeley. Call to attend. | Thelema Ldg. | ||
5/27/95 | 777 Poetry Society 7:30PM w.Fr.P.I. | Thelema Ldg. | ||
5/28/95 | Gnostic Mass 7:30PM Horus Temple | Thelema Ldg. | ||
5/30/95 | Thelema Lodge Library night 8PM (call to attend) | Thelema Ldg. | ||
5/31/95 | Liber XV Study Group w. Bp. T Dionysys 8:00PM | Thelema Ldg. |
The viewpoints and opinions expressed herein are the responsibility of the
contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of OTO or its
Note to update: the addresses and phone numbers in these issues of the Thelema Lodge Calendars are obsolete since the closing of the Lodge. They are here for historic purposes only and should not be visited or called.