Thelema Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O.Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
March 1999 e.v. at Thelema Lodge
Announcements from
Lodge Members and Officers
The O.T.O. is a manifold organization with a complex history and philosophy, rich in written, oral, and ritual tradition. It is also the Aleister Crowley Estate, responsible for preserving his writings and setting consistent standards for Thelemic scholarship. These are essentially conservative functions, yet the O.T.O.'s design preserves flexibility and adaptability, without which "Thelemic Order" would be a contradiction in terms. While it has never been necessary to join the O.T.O. to be a Thelemite, it is central to the Order's "experimental design" that being a Thelemite never becomes a bar to membership. In this important sense, the O.T.O. is a crucible for the development of the social models necessary to a Thelemic culture, as opposed to Thelemic cult.
-- "Introduction" to Equinox III:10 (New York: 93 Publishing, March 1986,
revised 2nd ed. 1990), page 10.
Crowley's motto for The Equinox was "The method of science; the aim of
religion." Neither science nor religion has been easy to define in the many
discussions of this concept heard over the years, but I would like to propose
an interpretation which seems to favor the free and open development of
Thelemic "culture" rather than the controlled dogmatic "cult" status which
continually threatens any authoritarian and hierarchical structure. One of
the obligations of the scientific attitude toward experiential data is the
open management of those facts which we agree to value and upon which we
arrange to base our subsequent experimental pursuits. When we design an
"experiment" -- that is, when we place artificial "controls" upon a situation
(such as an artistic or rhetorical expression, or a ritual celebration) in
order more truly to determine its nature and meaning -- we are entering into an
obligation to afford an objective consideration to the data in question. Its
value is not to be altered arbitrarily to suit some prejudice or fantasy about
the emerging pattern in which we tentatively find place for it, but instead
the patterns must be constructed to accommodate our observation record.
The same is true of the "laboratory" conditions in which we determine and
record the "data" of our history. If traditions are to be meaningfully
perpetuated, their survival must be based upon a continual critical
reassessment of their relation to our living circumstances. True respect for
fraternity and authority among Thelemites has nothing to do with easy
acceptance or simple belief; it is instead a rigorously active and continuous
process of critical scrutiny which works always to expand the meaning of that
which we value. The useful and elegant and satisfying generalizations of one
stage of our growth may or may not survive as authentically relevant concepts
for subsequent development, just as the values and ideals of one generation
may or may not serve for later minds to gauge their own unique experiences
against. To whatever extent they do survive, it will not be because of the
respect which is accorded them, nor because of their elegance or their authority as pronouncements. Authentic achievements which deserve to survive
will do so in the life of their continually renewed application, by new minds
with new values in new circumstances. (Our own new minds, as well as those of
our successors in this enterprise.) No dogmatic formulation, no simplistic
propaganda, no "official line" or high-handed obfuscation will long survive
this "method of science" in "the aim of religion."
When the O.T.O. around 1913 e.v. became "the first of the great religious
societies to accept the Law," it was embarking upon a brave and wonderful
experimental course. Whenever out of lazy convenience or exasperation we
attempt to obscure the complexities of this "experimental design" which is our
history and our constitution, we risk betraying that commitment. When we try
to hide the results of past estimates and outmoded judgments which now appear
mistaken (of which in some few cases we may even feel a certain shame or
regret) we are not only failing to learn from our past, but by suppressing
them we may even be handing these data over as "secrets" to others who would
use them as weapons against our legitimate achievements and our legal rights.
When we allow our policies -- however obvious and balanced and well considered
we may now be sure they seem -- to justify the suppression of inconvenient
complexities in our development, we may be putting our accomplishments at risk
simply to flatter our own silly pride.
Experiment is the "yoga," or discipline, of science, just as magick is the
"yoga" of belief (and thus the essential foundation of religion). This rigor
is no limitation to our progress, but the best guarantee to its success. We
have not chosen an easy method, just as we are not pursuing an easy goal.
What other "great religious society" has the energy and the courage to adopt
such a challenge of continual scrutiny and evaluation? What other system of
spiritual and initiatory authority could abide this degree of respect? What
other community of unique individual men and women can maintain the intensity
of such mutual enlightenment? We are not Thelemites to restrict and simplify
our discussions together, nor are we embarked upon the O.T.O. system of
"progressive initiation" to limit or falsify our work. Our freedom is an
enormous challenge, not only to ourselves and each other, but to the entire
universe of life as we encounter it. This is "the method of science; the aim
of religion."
--- John Brunie |
-- Fra. B. |
The practical application of magical color theory is the Ouranos
Collective's focus for an eight-month journey in magical perception. The
following scheme uses the eight colors defined by Peter Carroll in Liber Kaos,
with an attempt to describe both the perception of their emotional
counterparts and the planets associated with them, along with an astrological
schedule for the months of this working.
January: Death Magick (Black)
The rites of "black gnosis" are those from which the death-self is invoked
to manifest wisdom, usually in shamanic style, encountering fears of
encroaching death. This can aid in the practice of banishment. Sometimes
these rites can be collated with Saturn, which is exalted in Capricorn or
An example of such a chthonic (or Chod) rite would be "The Nyarlathotep
Summoning and Cthulhu Calling" that the Collective embarked upon last January.
We would like especially to applaud our procurement team for obtaining the
hard-to-find ingredients for this rite, including the black pubic hair of a
virgin male (which was, believe it or not, freely offered to us by a
consenting adult). We consider this rite to be a black working, appealing to
the fear of "what we do not know," and instilling disquiet in the Lovecraftian manner. Out of the 13 of us that preformed this working, I haven't used my
talisman yet -- not out of superstitious fear I assure you; I am just waiting
for the right time. Interestingly enough, Thelema Lodge had no electricity
for that evening. Good thing we had a lot of black candles on hand.
"To beget is to die; to die is to beget."
- "The Sabbath of the Goat," The Book of Lies
February: Pure Magick (Octarine)
Octarine is the magician's personal perception of Magick visualized as a
color. This color is sometimes described as the non-color that one may see
when performing visualization of geometric symbols that have no color
significance beyond that which is perceived emotionally. We like to attribute
this color to Uranus. Astrologically speaking, Uranus is the planet that is
exalted in Aquarius; the planet of hopes, wishes, and universal friendship.
Collectively speaking, it is our hope that our true wills are in cohesive
accordance with the universe, allowing our unique personalities to come
together in harmony. From a Thelemic perspective, this might confirm the
special identity of the individual as a part of a collective of Fixed Stars,
working in accord with each other without loosing their identities.
March: Wealth Magick (Blue)
The intangible idea of wealth can be an emotional asset, not necessarily
associated with money. It is the exchange of giving and receiving that is the
true process of emotional investment. It is the antithesis of jealousy,
strengthening the subconscious into realizing the true value of what
individuals have to offer. This strength and generosity is sometimes
attributed to Jupiter, traditionally exalted in Pisces, the sign of the flow
of subconscious universal attainment, and the conscious effort of grounding it
as a manifestation.
April: War Magick (Red)
"O Thou snow-clad volcan of scarlet fire, Thou flame-crested pillar of fury!
Yea, as I approach Thee, Thou departest from me like unto a wisp of smoke
blown forth from the window of my house."
- Mars, The Treasure House of Images
The need to protect oneself and others whom we feel close to can internally
feel like a "pillar of fury." Sometimes without the balance of true honor,
the result of aggression manifests itself outwardly only as a "wisp of smoke".
The warrior sign of Aires, with tendencies toward blind impulsive challenges,
can exemplify dynamic enthusiasm in the pursuit of excellence.
"So with thy all; thou hast no right but to do thy will.
Do that, and no other shall say nay.
For pure will unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is
every way perfect."
- The Book of the Law
May: Love Magick (Green)
Carroll describes "green gnosis" as the attainment of friendship and self-
love. Noticing the beauty of others and of our selves is the first step (and
hopefully not the final step) in eroticism. Qabalistically in 777, beauty is
associated with Tiphareth on the Middle Pillar, and not necessarily with
Netzach (to which the emerald planet Venus is attributed). Quoting from
Aquinas: Ad pulcritudinem tria requiruntur integritas, consonantia, claritas --
"Three things are needed for beauty; wholeness, harmony and radiance." But
that is either here or there. For the purpose of this system as defined by
Carroll, it is best to put these attributes with this color. After all, Taurians are known for their exquisite tastes, self-indulgence, and sentiment.
What better sign for green grazing?
June: Thinking Magick (Orange)
Let us not think about thinking / around this topic, beside that / Mercury
ran a gambit in / Gemini's tangent paradox, / of which comprehension is
not / as fully impressive as wit, / and to consider that evokes / a
fabricated nervousness.
There are 8 verses in the first sentence, 8 syllables each, and 8 words at
the end of each verse creating another sentence. Totaling 2 (or "II", the
symbol of Gemini) sentences, the second of which can be read forwards or
backwards, but don't forget to add commas.
July: Sex Magick (Purple or Silver)
The Collective has not made a set of ritual commitments for this color yet,
but if we do . . . insert blush here.
Breaking away with the Beast of both Worlds
A smile that you can't disguise
Every minute I keep finding
Clues that you leave behind
Save me from these reminders
As if I'd forget tonight
This time La Luna
I light my torch and wave it for the
New Moon on Monday And a firedance through the night
I stayed the cold day with a lonely satellite
- Simon le Bon (Duran Duran), Union of the Snake
"Then meditate upon thy desire, think upon Her, and, touching naught, chant
these verses. Recall each lascivious moment, each lustful day, all set them
into the astral body, touching naught."
-- Jack Parsons
August: Ego Magick (Yellow)
In this system, Carroll defines the color yellow as a four-fold conception
of ego (self-image), charisma, laughter-creativity, and assertion (dominance).
Ego is the concept that one holds about oneself and charisma is the outward
manifestation of that idea. Laughter-creativity is the humorous delight in
obtaining a full understanding or insight. Assertion and dominance, not to be
mistaken for aggression, is a non-verbal display of competency. Normally the
color yellow would be associated with the sun, and Leo, being the sign that
exalts that influence, has in abundance these four qualities. Somehow, I
think that this quadrivium would have a better association with Malkuth and
the four colors presented by the Golden Dawn. Here is my guess as to what
they may be if working with that correlation: Black (earth or earth) -- Ego
(self-image); Citrine (earth of air) -- Charisma; Olive (earth of water) --
Laughter-creativity; Russet (earth of fire) -- Assertion (dominance).
There might seem to be some pretentiousness in trying to combine these very
different systems. However, taking a Dionysian viewpoint, certain
similarities might manifest the sun and earth as conjunct aspects. Here
imagine . . . a shadowy forest glade with pockets of sunlight dancing on the
deep olive leaves of the surrounding trees. The sultry russet smell of
spilled wine and citrine sweat overtaking the senses as you are drawn
willingly into the lap of the God, only to find yourself moments later, face
down in the black dirt. Banish with laughter.
In summation, this interpretation of our scheduled workings is my personal
perspective, and by no means do I speak for the Collective as a whole in this
article. My goal is to subjectively enhance these ideas through the work and
practice of our rituals, while objectively recording our experiences.
--- Cynthia J. Osborn, Co-Founder of the Ouranos Collective |
The expedition roughly described in the following pages was intended,
first, to capture for amateur climbers the last of the mountain records of the
world; second, to vindicate humanity from the charge of being unable to climb
above 23,000 feet. A failure it was; but interesting enough.
Besides Eckenstein and myself there were four new members: Knowles, an
Englishman, who had rowed in the first boat for First Trinity, and was
consequently, although a stranger to me, the best companion I could have
wished. The others were foreigners; two of them were Austrians; Dr. Heinrich
Pfannal, a judge; and Dr Victor Wesseley, a barrister; the last member was Dr J. Jacot-Guillaimod, a Swiss doctor. With regard to the Austrians, perhaps
the less said the better. It will be sufficient if I mention that Pfannl,
superb climber as he was, was totally incapable of realising the magnitude of
the task we had set out to perform. He kept himself in the pink of athletic
condition from the very start! On the 30th March I entered a prophecy in my
pocket-book that if he collapsed it would be complete. However he continued
to train. After a 15-mile march he would have a little tiffin, and then go
off in the afternoon up the mountain side to keep himself in condition! On
the 14th July he got ill; on the 15th he was worse; on the 16th the doctor
fetched him down; on the 19th he was delirious; found himself with the
illusion of triple personality, one of himself being in the form of a
mountain, and anxious to kill him. During the 19th and 20th he was under
morphia, and on the 21st he was taken down on a sleigh. As to Wesseley ---
But enough of the Austrians!
In the Swiss doctor, however, we found an excellent companion and a medical
advisor of sound good sense. From a mountain point of view, he was sadly
lacking in experience, but he was certainly worth his place in the party, and
more, for his constant cheerfulness and the fun we could always have with him.
He did not mind being laughed at at all. He was not only good for our own
harmony, but kept the natives in a good temper, and prevented them from
desponding quite as much, or more, than the rest of us could do. They even
invented a proverb: "Jahan Doctor Sahib tahan tamasha." "Wherever the Doctor
Sahib is, there is amusement." Of all his tireless kindness to me I cannot
speak sufficiently highly. Owing to various circumstances, I was thrown a
good deal into his company.
On the 24th March we got out at Rawal Pindi, and were held up there, owing
to the non-arrival of our luggage. The Lime Tree Hotel was quite full, but
they gave us tents outside, where we were very comfortable. The next morning
I went shopping with Knowles, and we took the opportunity of discussing the
finances of the expedition. As to this, I will only say that, had I known
previously what the arrangements were, I should have entirely declined to have
anything to do with the affair. One word of advice to anyone who intends
going on an expedition with other Europeans. Either he has to pay everything
and treat the others in every respect as servants, or the expenses to the last
farthing ought to be shared equally by every member. If you pay more than
your share, or less than your share, you are in an equivocal position; and if
you pay for a man and yet treat him as an equal, the very fact that he is your
guest prevents you speaking your mind. Nothing is more difficult after all
than to lay down conditions which are not liable to misinterpretation. A good
deal of the income of British lawyers depends on the difficulties which are
met with in this respect by even the skilled legal draftsmen employed by the
Houses of Parliament. But I suppose it is a ring!
The next few days at Rawal Pindi were spent in unpacking those cases which
were too big to load on an ekka. An "ekka" is a vehicle drawn by one horse;
in the back of the vehicle is room for a good deal of luggage, and more yet
can be piled on top, leaving only a small place for the driver. The ekka,
however, is of such a nature that, while it will accommodate seven of eight
natives in apparent comfort, it does not show the same pleasing quality
towards even one European.
The magnitude of our expedition may be gauged by the fact that our sea-
borne and previously dispatched cases alone weighed over three tons. On the
29th March, after endless cursing, by dint of much physical force, we managed
to get our baggage on to seventeen ekkas, and to start at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon. We reached Tret the same night, a little before half-past ten,
Knowles and I bringing up the rear to prevent any ekkas straggling; for if
once an ekka is allowed out of sight it is likely to turn up three of four
days later than you expect. No sooner had we reached the first night's stage
-- Tret -- than an urgent summons forced Eckenstein to return to the plains, as
it turned out, for over three weeks. We had some dinner, by no means before it was wanted, and went off to sleep in blissful ignorance of the catastrophe
that was even then poised and about to strike us to the dust.
There is a City - with domes and pylons | |
A City of light - and many colored | |
And once when I was very small | |
I came nigh onto this City | |
Yes, up the spiral stairs - like any outsider | |
But I was curiously at home. | |
Yes, it was like coming home | |
And I started walking towards this City | |
Across a plain that was black as night | |
And under a dome that was also black | |
But though a plain stretched on to infinity it seemed | |
Yet it was like being in a closed room | |
For there were no stars - it was very strange | |
So I walked quickly, very quickly | |
But before I came to this City I met a Something | |
It was like a white flame | |
All pulsing and alive. | |
But as I didn't know what it was I challenged it | |
And it turned all kinds of angry colors and buzzed | |
Yes, he buzzed - as if annoyed | |
So I protected myself and he went away someplace | |
But that made me stop and think | |
I wasn't afraid three quarters but I wasn't sure of myself either | |
Who knows what strange Somethings might be in that City? | |
I didn't - and maybe there were those | |
Who would only laugh at my simple protection | |
Because to them it might be useless - who knows? | |
I didn't - | |
So I turned around three quarters and I walked to the stairs | |
No - I didn't run - I walked | |
But very quickly - as I always seem to do in that strange place | |
And I slid down the banisters | |
And I walked down the ramp and around to the big Gate | |
That is set in the Wall | |
And I came through and closed the Gate | |
And sealed it up tight three quarters real tight. | |
But some day I'm going back to the city | |
Or Someplace ----- | |
But when I do I am going to know what I am doing | |
I'll go right on in - or anyplace else I want to go to | |
But first I've so much to learn | |
And so little time to do it in | |
And I never have any time to myself anymore | |
But I will - someday. | |
This is very nearly the final poem in our complete series of the poetical works of Hymenaeus Alpha, who was the founding master of Thelema Lodge (from 1977 to 1985 e.v.) and the leader of the O.T.O.'s resurgence as Aleister Crowley's designated Caliph. This publication project has lasted for eleven and a half years since the Grady Project was established in these pages by Dame Caitlin Aliciane with the assistance of John Brunie, the present lodgemaster and editor. Most of the poems have been edited from Bill Heidrick's microfilm copies of Grady's typescripts, though this piece (like those of the past couple months) appears from the 1994 e.v. edition of The Poetry of Grady McMurtry edited by past lodgemaster J. Edward Cornelius, whose personal archives contain the only known copies. (Note that the thrice occurring phrase "three quarters" in this poem has been editorially expanded, and occurs in the poet's typescript in the form of a vulgar fraction as "3/4.") One or two more brief and fugitive poems will be forthcoming, but we hope upon completion of this project to begin presenting other sorts of writing by Grady in future issues of our newsletter.
Politics and the Order
By Frater Balaam
"The OTO Declares that Brotherhood of All Things created is a fact in nature."
- OTO Constitution (Article 2, section 1)
In the Islamic tradition the Major Prophets, or rasul, are distinguished
from the 180,000 Minor Prophets, or nabis, because they reveal a shari'a, a
divine Law for the governing of the community of the believers. Within the
religious system of the A A
the Magus 9
= 2
is in a similar manner
distinguished from the Magister Templi 8
= 3
and lower grades by their
utterance of a "Word" or Logos. This Word redefines the universe for those
who "hear" it, and provides a new way of life appropriate to the age in which
it is uttered. S
To Mega Therion's Word: "THELEMA", was uttered to
fulfill this function. Thelema, the religion explicitly based upon this Word
and the works of its Magus, therefore purports to teach its adherents their
True Will, or proper course in the universe. But this way is always a way
with others, each separate One also directed upon its own course. For the Law
to be complete it must therefore, as with the shari'a of the previous Magi,
provide a way of being with others so as to create a harmonious community.
Indeed the word religion itself comes from the Latin religio, to bind
together. Religion therefore concerns itself with the binding together of
people into association. The Thelemic religion is no exception.
"Man is by nature a political animal," proclaims Aristotle. The word
"politics" is from the Greek polis, or city-state. It designates an
association of people. For Aristotle, people form such associations so as to
pursue the good. I would like to suggest in this article that we try looking
at politics in the Order and the larger Thelemic community, not as a necessary
evil, but rather as the interactions of people who have come together to seek
the good. What is this good? Many things, but it involves the ability of all
to do their True Wills, and since this is so individual each must discover it,
Alone with the Alone. But for this to be possible for the individual seeker,
there must be a social space created wherein they have the freedom to so
search, and to then express the freedom thus found in the world. How then are
we to engage in politics together to accomplish this?
We do not have a rulebook of normative restrictions, no Torah or caste of
priests, no cadre of Quranic lawyers. The whole shari'a of the Beast is "Do
What Thou Wilt Shall be the Whole of the Law." This is the Law of The Book of
the Law. It is the Law that is not a Law, and is therefore the only possible
absolute code of conduct. As a result, responsibility for the proper conduct of the community evolves from that of a select group of lawgivers to that of
every individual, and the nature of what constitutes "proper" conduct
fundamentally shifts. This is a great freedom and a great burden, for it
means we must all work together to actualize our ideals. It is therefore
every Thelemite's responsibility to foster harmony among the Kings of the
Earth. Are you being a selfish nuisance? If so, no Thelemite worthy of that
name is going to force you to shut up, but you will nevertheless face the
social consequences of your actions. In this you will have no one to blame
but yourself. Non-Thelemites sometimes find that we can lack in politeness.
It's because we don't need to rely upon manners. Respect is more important.
Doing one's own thing and allowing others to do the same shows this. Thelema
means not interfering with other people, period. By doing this one expects
and creates the same from others. By not doing this one invokes the contrary
response upon oneself. It's basic Magick. This is our struggle together. The
O.T.O., as one possible Thelemic organization, fields one of the armies in
this great battle. Its degree system was specifically designed by the Prophet
to initiate into the Thelemic way with others. Therefore the OTO is an
internally political organization, and trains its soldiers to operate within
this context. One major method used is what has generally been known as the
School of Hard Knocks, but there is additional instruction and empowerment
within the degree initiations, for those whose will it is to use them. In
this way the Order intends to provide a Thelemic model of harmony for the
larger society about it, as well as for its initiates' personal lives apart
from the Order. This is an ideal that we strive for, and it's everyone's job.
Not just the Caliph's, not just the guy at the lodge one's having a fight with
this week, but you and me as well. Our politics should strive to be a way of
being within this ideal or (more practically), a way of being to create this
ideal. We all forget this at our peril.
Bill Heidrick said it well in this newsletter a few months back when he
noted: "In my opinion, the greatest secret of the O.T.O. is . . . not one that
is concealed under oath, just impossibility of clear verbal expression. It's
about the nature of the relationship of an individual to others, as perceived
and felt by each. Often this is simply expressed as the brotherhood and
sisterhood of human kind."
AUMGN to that, Brother.
Part XLV(B) - Caduceus, Constructs & Celts
Derived from a lecture series in 1977 e.v. by Bill Heidrick
Copyright © Bill Heidrick
People occasionally alter the Tree of Life in various ways to enhance the
powers of talismans or to study symbols. The G
put a Tree of Life around
the Caduceus of Hermes, moving the Sephirot into unusual places, as was
similarly done with planetary symbols. Malkut, Yesod and Tipheret were placed
on the handle of the wand and separated by crossings of the twin serpents.
Hod and Netzach were placed to right and left of the wand inside the highest
loop formed by the serpents, but above Tipheret. Binah and Chokmah were above
that, a bit more inward toward the shaft, between the wings and serpent heads.
Keter formed the top of the Caduceus. This has the effect of stressing or
rearranging the balance of the Tree to produce a particular emphasis.
Ordinarily one would consider the middle pillar to be rising, but in this case
it is forced down for Tipheret and below. With Hod and Netzach above
Tipheret, a person centers in the self before balancing the lower reason and
emotions. When a student has become familiar with or internalized the Tree,
alterations of it like this will produce an effect. Just by trying to figure
out what an unusual pattern might mean can produce stress. That stress can be
used for magical purposes. We will revisit this notion later on, when we
examine such manipulations of mind, soul and spirit through changes on the
Words of Power are also derived from Qabalah. To take a simple but
important example, consider the Hebrew word Shem, a word for name, especially
name of the Divinity. Normally, that's just spelled . The Sepher Yetzirah
changes this to
by adding
an Aleph in the middle. Placed vertically, these three letters can be seen to suggest a Tree of Life. One can say of
this: "I have the secret of the Tree of Life, because I know that it can be
produced from the word Shem. I can speak the Words of Power, through uniting
them to the process of creation and the essence of existence." Through the
use of such associations to, and adaptations of the Tree, words are given a
sort of symbolic vitality. Methods like these are used to consecrate or to
direct the forces of nature, through Angelic and other names.
Consider the first text illumination to the Gospel of Luke in The Book of
Kells, a very old Irish book of the Gospels. Once called "the Gospel of
Columkille, the chief relic of the Western World", it appears in history about
1006 e.v., with a note of its temporary theft in that year. This illuminated
manuscript is thus placed in age at least a hundred years before the Tree of
Life appeared in print or widely known manuscripts. It shows what appears to
be a hightly stylized form of the familiar Tree of Life, in the shape of an
giant Latin letter Q for Quoniam. That in itself is rather strange. Why
would anyone want to devote an entire page in a Gospel to illuminating the
word Quoniam? All it means in Engish is For in as much, roughly a fancy way
of saying Ah.... The great effort expended to ornament this seemingly trivial
word is a mystery. It may be that the artist who designed this page was
trying to immortalize himself through inclusion of an arcane device. He made
this image with not only the initial Q of Quoniam, but also took the second
and third letters into the design. That triplet of letters forms Quo, also a
Latin word in itself. Quo could be taken as an implied question, almost "what
is this? Who did this?" It is both the posing of a question and the very
question itself, almost in the form of a modern question mark. There are
other curious details. At the top there is a sort of funnel shape, like a
similar form that appears in the earliest drawings of the Tree of Life. Every
Sephirot of the Tree can be found in this illumination, with a little
imagination. A large circle at the bottom is Malkut. Above that is a half
circle for Yesod. The corners of the main form above give Hod, Netzach, Binah
and Chokmah. Half circles to left, right and top form Geburah, Chesed and
Keter. Tipheret is handled as the center of the image, like a garden with
golden letters in the midst. There is a serpent, crawling up the base of the
Tree, ready to start hiking himself up one path at a time. The Celtic
Christianity of that time had a higher state of learning than the Roman
Christianity of the south, a matter frequently attested in the history of the
Middle Ages. Perhaps this device was part of that, a sharing with Jewish
tradition linked via the Atlantic coast route to Spain, Africa and the Holy
Land beyond.
3/3/99 | College of Hard NOX 8 PM with Mordecai in the library | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/7/99 | Gnostic Mass 7:30PM Horus Temple | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/8/99 | Astrology with Grace in Berkeley 7 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/11/99 | Ouranos Ritual Workshop 8PM Horus Tm | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/14/99 | Gnostic Mass 7:30PM Horus Temple | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/16/99 | Section II reading group with Caitlin: The Elder Edda. at Oz house 8 PM. | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/18/99 | Ouranos Ritual Workshop 8PM Horus Tm | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/20/99 | Vernal Equinox Ritual 4:18PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/21/99 | Gnostic Mass 7:30PM Horus Temple | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/22/99 | Astrology with Grace in Berkeley 7 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/28/99 | Tea 4:18PM in Berkeley | Sirius Oasis | ||
3/28/99 | Gnostic Mass 7:30PM Horus Temple | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/30/99 | Seminar on Liber Arcanorum at Cheth House, 8PM in Berkeley | Thelema Ldg. | ||
3/31/99 | College of Hard NOX 8 PM with Mordecai in the library | Thelema Ldg. |
The viewpoints and opinions expressed herein are the responsibility of the
contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of OTO or its
Thelema Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O. Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
Phone: (510) 652-3171 (for events info and contact to Lodge)
Production and Circulation:
P.O.Box 430
Fairfax, CA 94978 USA
Internet: (Submissions and circulation only)