Thelema Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O.Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
November 2001 e.v. at Thelema Lodge
Announcements from
Lodge Members and Officers
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The Abbey of Thelema, as conceived by Charles Lenormant in his Rabelais et l'architecture de la Renaissance: Restitution de l'Abbaye de Thélème (Paris: 1840), reprinted in French Utopias: An Anthology of Ideal Societies, edited by Frank Manuel & Fritzie Manuel for the series Studies in the Libertarian and Utopian Traditions (New York: 1966, 1971). |
The scorpion feast of Samhain will be celebrated by Thelema Lodge at Cheth
House on Tuesday evening 6th November from 7:00 until 11:00. The midpoint of
autumn when Sol passes fifteen degrees of Scorpio will occur at about 7:35
during the ritual, and afterwards we will feast and salute the season. Bring
contributions of food and drink for the table, and if you don't know the way
to wind through the Berkeley hills to Cheth House call well ahead to Michael
and Kat at (510) 525-0666 for directions.
TEX | (30) | Wednesday 14th November at NOX House, 8:00 PM | ||
RII | (29) | Saturday 17th November (out of town), 2:00 PM | ||
repeated Sunday 18th November in Horus Temple, 6:30 PM | ||||
BAG | (28) | Friday 23rd November at Ashby House, 8:00 PM | ||
ZAA | (27) | Saturday 24th November at NOX House, 8:00 PM | ||
DES | (26) | Sunday 25th November at NOX House, 1:10 PM | ||
repeated in Horus Temple, 6:30 PM | ||||
VTI | (25) | Sunday 25th November in Horus Temple, 6:45 PM | ||
NIA | (24) | Monday 26th November at Ashby House, 2:00 PM | ||
repeated at NOX House, 9:30 PM | ||||
TOR | (23) | Wednesday 28th November at Ashby House, 9:30 AM | ||
repeated at NOX House, 9:30 PM | ||||
LIN | (22) | Wednesday 28th November at Ashby House, 4:00 PM | ||
repeated at NOX House, 9:45 PM | ||||
ASP | (21) | Thursday 29th November at Ashby House, 1:30 PM | ||
repeated at NOX House, 8:00 PM | ||||
KHR | (20) | Friday 30th November at Ashby House, 9:15 AM | ||
repeated at NOX House, 9:00 PM | ||||
POP | (19) | Friday 30th November at NOX House, 10:00 PM |
For additional information or directions to any of these locations, call her at Ashby House (510) 849-1970, send e-mail to her at or call NOX House in Oakland at (510) 534-5739. In an operation of this complexity it will be necessary for participants to keep in touch in case of practical alterations to the schedule. Since few will be able to attend every one of the readings, please check in by phone or e-mail whenever, after missing more than a couple of the dates, you have an opportunity of returning to the project. Enochian visions are not for the faint at heart or for the slack of mind, and just as we will work together in the visionary discipline of the spheres, we will also be counting on each other to gather ready and comfortable for each reading to begin at the exact moment of the schedule. Particularly in the case of the first reading of each aire, the hour listed is not an arrival time, nor an estimate for getting underway, but the firmly set instant at which the opening syllable will be delivered. If (as the poet says) you cannot conquer time, at least "let not time deceive you," and arrive a little ahead to be ready.
by Aleister Crowley
(under the pseudonym of James Grahame)
In the matter of the seven thousand dollar motorcar Sieglinda, although
German by birth, had taken French leave. Without asking the proprietor, she
had ordered it to be at the door; it was the last day. "Pretty mean, I
think," she said, as they drove up town. "I do him a house like that, and all
I get is a measly eight hundred and fifty-six dollars. I know now that I
could have got a commission on everything I bought." "I'm glad you didn't,"
said her brother; "I never liked tradesman's ways, and I never will."
When they were dressed for dinner they drove to the McAlpin, told the
chauffeur to call for them at the Opera at eleven, and after one more Banquet
of Jupiter, walked up through the snow to the Metropolitan. The wine and the
music made them mad; starved of every pleasure as they had been for months,
the lure of the old life took hold of them, and they abandoned themselves
wildly to the intoxication of the moment. The future? Bah!
Sieglinda had stuck at nothing in her daring; she had borrowed her rich
man's box. Siegmund noticed that she had bowed very sweetly to a dapper little
gentleman opposite, before the curtain rose, and he would probably have asked
a question, had not the first bars of the overture rapt him away into the
world of that other Siegmund and Sieglinda after whom he and his sister had
been called.
Just as the last curtain fell, the door of the box opened, and the little
gentleman walked in. "Mr Damff; this is Graf von Eichen." They shook hands,
exchanged a few general remarks; the trio went off to Noel's, where Sieglinda,
determined to get the last minute out of her Day of Fairyland, ordered a
splendid supper. But even as the clams arrived the day was spoilt for
Siegmund. The band struck up. "O God!" he cried, rising from his seat,
"there's that nightmare again!" "I can understand," said Mr Damff, smiling,
"that it must get a good deal on your nerves. Every rose has its thorn." "I
don't see any rose about it," snapped Siegmund. Mr Damff was embarrassed.
"I'm sorry," he said, turning deferentially to Sieglinda. "I seem to have
said the wrong thing. But I certainly understood from you ----" Sieglinda
interrupted him. "The boy doesn't know," said she; "I'll break it to him
gently. It's degrading and horrible, I know, dear," she went on, putting a
slim hand on her brother's, "but the fact is that you're my rich man. That
house is yours; it all came out of the profits of that song you threw on the
floor eight months ago!"
"Good God, Sieglinda!" cried the boy, "you sold that muck! I'll never look
myself in the face again. But --" he caught his breath. "That was a tune you
hummed; I thought you had picked it up on Broadway!"
"And I didn't know I was humming it! Ach, du lieber Gott!" she cried,
lapsing into German, as a great light broke in upon her, "so that was what the
wind said to the Old Man of the Peepul-Tree!"
Of course her hearers did not understand her. Over yet another bottle of
champagne -- Sieglinda had now drunk merely six during the day -- she told the
story of her picnic in the park. "So," she concluded, "while I slept the wind
spoke with the old man, and they put the song into my brain, and I got the
habit of humming it -- and oh! Siegmund darling, you're rich, and we'll never
have any more trouble in the world again!"
"If your conscience troubles you," said Mr Damff, "about the quality of the
music you are inflicting on humanity, let me reassure you. The Gräfin did not
mention it, but I have the honor to be a director of the Metropolitan Opera
House, and the purpose of our meeting tonight was that I might tell you that
we have decided to produce your Heine's Tod, and to discuss the preliminaries.
I hope you will allow me to order another magnum of this very delightful
It was ordered; but the error was fatal; from that moment the proceedings
became so far from lucid as to baffle the historian. Presently, however, Damü
rose (as best he could) and took his leave. The twins insisted on driving him
home to his apartment on Riverside Drive. When they had said good night for
the twentieth time, always with increasing etiquette, the champagne continued
its conversation; it was impossible, absurd, and immoral to go home; there was
only one thing to be done, and that was to do what politeness urged, to pay a
visit of thanks to the Old Man of the Peepul--Tree.
The blizzard of the earlier day had died down to utter stillness; the full
moon westering slowly, the twins huddled together in the automobile, babbling
a thousand phrases of delight over and over. When they came to the Park, they
thought it better to walk; Sieglinda knew the way. So they left the
chauffeur, and ran hand in hand over the snow, the champagne and the success
fighting in their young blood for mastery in the sublime art of being mad.
Soon they came to the stream, its current frozen, its banks aflower with wind--
blown blossoms of snow. They came to the Peepul--Tree. "Oh you dear darling
Uncle Tree," shouted Sieglinda, "how happy you have made us! And I've brought
your nephew to see you!" She clasped the trunk, and kissed it madly in sheer
delirium of pleasure. Siegmund followed her example, and broke into a flood
of song from his last opera.
At that moment they realized that they were very drunk. Sieglinda slid to
the snow, swooning; her brother bent above her to revive her. He must have
lost his senses at the same moment; for what followed is neither reasonable
nor natural. They could both hear (or so they always swear) the chuckling of
the sacred tree.
Bye--and--bye the chuckling became articulate. "Very pretty and very
thoughtful of you!" said the little cracked old voice; "this has been a very
pleasant visit; I haven't enjoyed myself so much for years. Still, it's very
cold for humans; I think you'd better be running off to the car. But come and
see me often. Goodbye, my dear children, for the present; and remember,
Sieglinda, your first son must be called Gautama as well as Siegfried, in
honor of the man who attained emancipation under the boughs of my great--grand--
father." So they must have been unwise in the matter of champagne; for the
most garrulous old trees never talk like that to people who are sober.
Sieglinda was indeed what philosophers have called "suspiciously sober"
when they reached the car; her "Back to 63rd Street!" was portentiously
But they never forgot the peepul--tree; and they planted shoots from him in
the courtyard of the old Schloss, which they bought back from the new--comers
on the proceeds of Siegmund's first opera, so that the Oak of the von Eichens
might have worthy company. It is, however, a shocking circumstance that the
younger generations of the peepul--tree, like those of the great apes, have a
deplorable tendency to small talk, and even to scandal.
Originally published by Thelema Lodge in The Magickal Link, 1:12 & 2:1 (December 1981 & January 1982) in Grady's regular front-page column "From the Caliph," these two sections complete the four-part essay begun here in last month's issue.
by Caliph Hymenaeus Alpha X°
part three
Okay, Genesis 2, part three. The Four Rivers of Paradise.
So this guy had invented his own Tarot. And that is okay. After all how
many times during that fantastic year of 1969--1970 e.v. did I say to anyone
who would listen, "When we get this Tarot deck published, it will cause a
whole new psychic vibration in the Universe"? And this is exactly what
happened, and that is good. Unfortunately something else happened which is
not good. Because this guy's old lady came over to me when I was reading
Tarot cards at Ren. Faire (I drop back on the Waite or Rider deck on occasion
just for variety. If anybody can find a set of the Manley P. Hall deck, for
God's sake forward it to me -- I lost mine.) and laid out a spread. It was
rather interesting. After all, every Tarot reader has their own way of
reading the psychic mirrors we call Tarot. But then she started to explain to
me how she was going to change the cards around on the Tree of Life.
Unfortunately, that is verboten. For a very simple reason. Those twenty--two
cards, the twenty--two Major Arcana, happen to represent various aspects of
your psychic body. For example, Binah happens to be the pituitary gland in
the back of your head. Sometime I must explain to you why Pisces is
represented by a double moon that represents the back of your cranial cavity.
Or why the Hierophant, the Taurus card, goes from Chokmah (your Agna chakra)
to Chesed.
But Aleister Crowley says it better. Note 1, page 7, Magick in Theory and Practice (the original), he says:
One who ought to have known better [Frater Achad] tried to improve the Tree of Life by turning the Serpent of Wisdom upside down! Yet he could not make his scheme symmetrical: his little remaining good sense revolted at the supreme atrocities. Yet he succeeded in reducing the whole Magical Alphabet to nonsense, and shewing that he had never understood its real meaning.
So, Genesis 2, part four. The Four Rivers of Paradise and why each Tarot
card represents a mirror of your psychic body. In the Egyptian pyramid
mysteries, there were twenty--two Pylons (a Pylon is a gate), the twenty--second
of which was invisible. That is what we would call The Fool. Twenty--two
Pylons, twenty--two Major Atu of Thoth in the Tarot. If you could not find the
Invisible One, you were obviously not an initiate. You were also dead. But I
will explain that some other time. In the Orient, that is what is called a
But what is not a joke is the Kabbalah Denudata. Personally I use the
Mathers edition (London: 1951). On plate viii, facing page 41, there are two
hexagrams. The upper is ARIK ANPIN (or Macroprosopus, if you prefer), and the
lower is ZAUIR ANPIN (you, Microprosopus).
Now, the doctrine is this. There is a Cosmic Psychic Body, what you might
call "God," Macroprosopus; us, before we took our incarnation. And then there
is you, Microprosopus, the individual, male or female as the case may be. And
since your small psychic body is but a reflection of that Vast Countenance,
obviously it must change as that body changes. This is the key to the
Precession of the Equinoxes. The Cosmic Psychic Body changes one aspect every
2000 years, which is reflected in what we call Tarot. In this aeon, it is the
transfer of the Aries card with the Aquarius card. If this is not true, then
the Book of the Law is wrong, and Thelema is a lie.
But it is impossible for the Book of the Law to be wrong: for it is written
(AL III:19) "That stélé they call the Abomination of Desolation . . ." -- and
where have we heard that before? Try your Book of Daniel or the Apocalypse of
St John. Which brings us to the question as to whether the Book of the Law
happens to be the Seven Thunders of Revelation. Revelation 10:
Which makes us about the middle of the Apocalypse when the appalling abomination will be set up in the temple. And when is that? Daniel 10:14, "So I asked, 'O my lord, what is to be the last phase before the end?'" When the "appalling abomination had been set up." If you were a pious Jew with the gift of prophecy in the Babylonian captivity and looked down to the end of Time and saw the Stélé of Revealing of a Prince of Egypt exalted on the High Altar of the Holy of Hollies, as we do every time we enter the Temple, you would freak out. So did Daniel.Then I saw another strong angel descend from heaven; he was clad in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head, his face like the sun, his limbs like columns of fire, and a small scroll open in his hand. He set his right foot on the sea, his left upon the earth [note Temperance card, Waite deck] and shouted like a lion roaring: and at his shout seven thunders gave voice. After the seven thunders had spoken, I was going to write it down; but I heard a voice from heaven saying "Seal up what the seven thunders said, do not write it."
by Arthur Loring Bruce
All the Britons who are not fighting in the Great War seem to be coming to
New York this year. One of the most extraordinary of our recent British
visitors is Aleister Crowley, who is a poet, an explorer, a mountain climber,
an "adept" in mysticism and magic, and an esoteric philosopher; in short a
person of so many sides and interests that it is not wonder a legend has been
built up around his name. He is a myth. No other man has had so many
strange tales told of him.
He is an Irishman, and was educated at Malvern and Trinity College,
Cambridge, as a preparation for the highly respectable and sedate Diplomatic
Service. But such a mission was not to his taste. He soon found that he had
no liking for the beaten tracks in life. So he became an "adept," a mystic, a
wanderer on the face of the earth.
He has published more volumes of poetry than he has lived years, and has
climbed more mountains than he has lived months.
The Equinox, his work on occultism, is only a part of the gigantic literary
structure which he has built up in the past five years, yet the work contains
the stupendous number of two and a half million words.
Mr Crowley has a habit of disappearing suddenly from Paris, only to bob up
again in Zapotlan, Tali Fu, Askole, Hambantota, or Ouled Djellal. To him a
long journey is an achievement, a satisfying thing in itself, like the "hidden
knowledge" which he is forever in search of. In 1900 he explored Mexico
without guides. Two years later he spent three months in India at an altitude
of 20,000 feet. In 1906 he crossed China on foot. The success of his magic--
drama, The Rites of Eleusis in 1910, in London, did not tempt him to settle
down there for long as he was next heard of in the heart of the Sahara.
As a naked Yogi he has sat for days under the Indian sun, begging his rice.
Like every true magician he has experimented with hundreds of strange poisons
in order to discover the Elixir of Life and the Elixir of Vision. He has
devoted much time to the art of materializing divine influences, which he does
by the aid of secret incenses; of invocations; and of rituals inherited from
the Gnostics and Rosicrucians. He once masqueraded through a Cairo season as
a mysterious Persian prince. He shocked the orthodox by his book The Sword of Song -- which was virtually an attack upon everything established -- but soon
compelled them to forgive him because of the religious fervor of his next
volume -- a book of devotional hymns. He holds -- like all good mystics -- that
"All thought, or speech, is false: Truth lies in divine ecstasy beyond them."
He lives in Paris when not on his travels. One of his friends is Augustus
John, the painter, one of whose beautiful sketches of Mr Crowley we are
privileged to print.
From a sketch by Augustus John
Into the Heart of Darkest Germany:
Three letters from Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley in 1945 e.v. These discuss poetry, economics, W.T. Smith at Agape Lodge, funds contributed and Kenneth Grant. During this time Grady was posted from France to Germany.
1814th Ord S&M Co (Avn) APO 149. U.S. Army 16 March 1945 FRANCE | ||
Dear Aleister, Yours of the 8th March came in today and just in time too as I have finally finished rewriting and re--re--revising my Dynamics of Equilibrium. Was intending to get it off to you tonight anyway. Taking your criticism of "but what does it mean" to heart I have rewritten entire sections of it -- leaving off everything I possibly could that might tend to confuse the issue. In addition I have added a general outline in front that should be helpful in orienting yourself if some passage is obscure and you want to know what its relationship is to the subject as a whole -- and also added a sheet "Some Notes on Energy" to the back so that many terms you may not be familiar with should now be explained. That "Ab origine ad finem" I took from my notes on Latin phrases which I copied from that book you loaned me. It seemed appropriate considering the range of the subject. I'm not too sure that that quotation from my "Pangenetor!" exactly fits -- what do you think? This should clear up that misunderstanding we had some time back when I wrote to you something like "for the next few years I may not have time for your work". You interpreted that as meaning that I thought Magick was your work -- and replied to the effect that Magick was an individual's work. Perfectly right -- only that was not what I had been speaking of. Just as I have pointed out in D of E that even tho the opposition has been removed the work of building remains to be done -- just so even tho the state of economics on the North American continent may be as a ripe fruit waiting to be plucked it still has to be plucked. That 90% industrial shutdown must not be allowed to occur because if it does there will be no way to start again. The poor old system will have had so many shots in the arm that there will finally come a time when the adrenaline of government credit will fail to rouse the corpse. To avoid chaos there must be a peaceful transition from an Economy of Scarcity to the Economy of Abundance -- that means a lot of work. Campaigning, education, pamphleteering -- until finally we have enough electorial strength to call for, and pass, a referendum. So you can see why I look forward to several years passing before I can finally have time to go into Magick wholeheartedly. But when I do! Oh, brother. I'll want you around just to watch my smoke. It's something like an ambitious law student holding himself in check for a few additional years in order to completely master his subject while his classmates drop out to take up practice so that they can start making money now. Sure, they'll make a little money now -- but wait until the boy with the big guns moves up. That's the pay off. You should the the {sic} two sets of Luxoumburg {sic} stamps by now. The candy you have mentioned several times has as yet failed to appear. Possibly this is because of the new regulations which the girl did not know about. If you have the Stieg you will note that I have affixed a certificate stating that the package was not worth over two pounds sterling -- I presume that some such regulation also applies now to merchandise being mailed to the American postal system. Up until a few days before I sent the Stieg no such regulation was in effect. Will be awaiting your answer on D of E. Want to send it to Jack, Germer, etc, but want to be sure that you understand it before I sent it to them. I want to use it as the basis of actions for intelligently applying our forces to bring about an era of abundance. Once that is done we can apply our full energy to the organization of the Temple. But to give it authority I need your approval. |
1814th Ord S&M Co (Avn) APO 149. % PM, NY, NY 2 April 1945 FRANCE | ||
Dear Aleister, Have computed the total of my contributions. After having tallied my receipts and balance them against the sums you have acknowledged receiving in your letters I came out with a total figure of $1,045. This lump sum maybe broken down as follows: $20 -- paid upon receiving first three grades; $65 -- monthly contributions in small amounts from Dec. 1942 to Jan. 1944 (either directly to you or to you through the transfer); $400 -- in two £50 installments at 20% interest, completed 3 March 44; $400 in five £20 installments completed 2 Aug. 44; and $160 -- contributed since that time ($80 -- 2 Nov. 44, $80 -- 2 Feb. 45, $40 -- 3 March 45, $20 -- 2 April 45). Now the first $400, plus interest, will amount to $480 by 1 July 45, a few months form now, but will not be collected because of our understanding on the backlog copies of the Book of Thoth. I now propose that that money be transferred from my Book of Thoth account and credited to my initiation fees account. If you wish you may knock off the $80 interest, 20% is rather high, and leave it as a straight $400 loan as tallied in my total of $1,045. Thus whatever interest I have in the books you are now holding for me should revert to you. I know that they would be handy to have around later but I am willing to take the loss to get this fee business straightened out. The second $400 is the loan for the 50 letters on which my payment is to be from the royalties of the book, as I understand it. Subtracting this $400 from the $1,045 we have a total of $645. As total fee amounts to $607 this leaves a balance of $38 in my favor as a general contribution. If you still wish to save the copies of the Book of Thoth for me you can credit it to that account with my future contributions until I again build up the required $400. Still no word from you concerning my revision of "The Dynamics of Equilibrium" I really must get busy on "The Evolution of Economics" in which I intend to go into the economic side in much greater detail -- even bringing in one general section on finance which I had to leave out because it was supplementary rather than essential. Also "The Trend of Social Change" in which I will have room to expound on the unlimited possibilities of education, research and the application of Thelema to a high energy civilization. Think that's all for now. Is Grant with you? If so give him my regards. Yours ever, |
1814th Ord S&M Co (Avn) APO 149, U. S. Army 26 April 1945 Germany | ||
Dear Aleister, Have two letters from you that have been trying to get time to answer. Must dash this off in a rush. Thanks for the correspondence re. Smith. Gives me a much better idea about the whole situation. We are now deep in the heart of darkest Germany, so the legionaire probably said as he wrote to the folks in the old home town some years ago, and seem to be well on our way to getting the war over. If you think the blitz on London was bad you should see some of these cities. Many of their small towns were passed through quickly and are undamaged but I have yet to see a city that wasn't a large scale rubbish heap. Most from bombing. I suppose there are a few, such as Heidelberg which is supposed to be untouched, but I haven't found them. Thanks for the certificate. Which straightens that out. Plan to keep up the $20 per month as long as possible. Certainly for the near future. Once I am placed on inactive duty I may find myself in difficulties. Grant has neither written concerning Dynamics nor answered my Letter. Perhaps I soared him off with some remark which he may have taken too seriously. If so it was unintentional. Think I'll write to him again. Orson Wells should be able to do things in a big way with "Mortadello". Might be just the thing to start off a whole new line of play writing in verse -- just as the ballet skit in "Oklahoma" has set a new fashion on Broadway. To say nothing of reawakening interest in your work. Perhaps this will make do for Steig's omission of a:{doodle of a head with flames coming out} "Portrait of a Man with Technocracy on the Brain" Here is a bit of verse I had intended sending some time ago. Must go now. Yours ever, |
11/4/01 | Gnostic Mass 7:30PM Horus Temple | (510) 652-3171 | Thelema Ldg. | |||
11/6/01 | Feast of Samhain at Cheth House 7PM | (510) 525-0666 | Thelema Ldg. | |||
11/11/01 | Gnostic Mass 7:30PM Horus Temple | (510) 652-3171 | Thelema Ldg. | |||
11/14/01 | Liber 418 readings begin 8PM with TEX (30) at NOX House | (510) 534-5739 | ||||
11/17/01 | Initiations into OTO call to attend | (510) 652-3171 | Thelema Ldg. | |||
11/18/01 | Gnostic Mass 7:30PM Horus Temple | (510) 652-3171 | Thelema Ldg. | |||
11/18/01 | Liber 418 RII (29) 6:30 | |||||
11/23/01 | Liber 418 BAG (28) 8PM at Ashby house in Berkeley | (510) 849-1970 | ||||
11/24/01 | Liber 418 ZAA (27) 8PM at NOX House Oakland | (510) 534-5739 | ||||
11/25/01 | Gnostic Mass 7:30PM Horus Temple | (510) 652-3171 | Thelema Ldg. | |||
11/25/01 | Liber 418 DES (26) 6:30 | |||||
11/25/01 | Liber 418 VTI (25) 6:45 | |||||
11/26/01 | Section II reading group with Caitlin: Rabelais 7:30 in library | (510) 652-3171 | Thelema Ldg. | |||
11/26/01 | Liber 418 NIA (24) 9:30 PM at NOX House Oakland | (510) 534-5739 | ||||
11/28/01 | Magical Forum with Paul. Book of Thoth study group. 7:30PM library | (510) 652-3171 | Thelema Ldg. | |||
11/28/01 | Liber 418 TOR (23) 9:30 PM at NOX House Oakland | (510) 534-5739 | ||||
11/28/01 | Liber 418 LIN (22) 9:45 PM at NOX House Oakland | (510) 534-5739 | ||||
11/29/01 | Liber 418 ASP (21) 1:30PM Ashby house in Berkeley | (510) 849-1970 | ||||
Repeated at 8PM at NOX House | (510) 534-5739 | |||||
11/30/01 | Liber 418 KHR (20) 9:15AM Ashby house in Berkeley | (510) 849-1970 | ||||
Repeated at 9PM at NOX House | (510) 534-5739 | |||||
11/30/01 | Liber 418 POP (19) 10PM at NOX House Oakland | (510) 534-5739 |
The viewpoints and opinions expressed herein are the responsibility of the
contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of OTO or its
Thelema Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O. Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
Phone: (510) 652-3171 (for events info and contact to Lodge)
Internet: (Submissions and internet circulation only)