Note to update: the addresses and phone numbers in these issues of the Thelema Lodge Calendars are obsolete since the closing of the Lodge. They are here for historic purposes only and should not be visited or called.
Thelema Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O.Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
February 1992 e.v. at Thelema Lodge
Announcements from
Lodge Members and Officers
Our winter half-holiday, the Feast of Brigit and celebration of the flowing of the well,
will be observed at Thelema Lodge with the traditional Celtic ritual on Sunday afternoon 2
February, underway by 4:18. (The astrological calculation of this feast, Sol fifteen degrees
Aquarius, occurs on Tuesday 4 February, so our observation is somewhat early; purists will
need no encouragement to repeat the ritual in its essential form in their own pairs at the
exact moment.)
Chinese New Year (anno 4690) on Tuesday 4 February ushers in the Year of the Monkey.
Terri will be doing Moon rituals on New and Full Moons continually this year. Contact
her at the Lodge for exact time and place. Many will probably be late at night, some
outdoors. Collaborations in these rituals is encouraged. This month New Moon falls on
Monday 3 February, and the ritual for Full Moon on Monday evening 19 February.
Gnostic Masses are celebrated in Horus Temple at Thelema Lodge every Sunday evening.
Newcomers are welcome at mass, and should call ahead to (510) 654-3580. Participants should
arrive in the evening by 7:30 for the ritual, which is usually underway a little after 8:00.
All masses this month are scheduled to observe Crowley's ritual according to Liber XV.
The E.G.C. Business and Scheduling Meeting will be held at the lodge on Sunday afternoon
16 February at 4:18, conducted by Bishop T. Suleiman. Prospective mass teams should attend
or be represented on this occasion to be scheduled; masses for April are to be finalized this
month. In conjunction with this meeting, a workshop on the Gnostic Mass has been offered by
Bishop Sappho (if requested from her) after our business is complete.
The lodge will be performing O.T.O. initiations on Saturday 15 February, through the
afternoon and evening; members please make advance arrangements to attend these private
events. Advancement through the Man of Earth degrees at Thelema Lodge is being coordinated
by four of our senior members, and anyone contemplating further initiation is urged to
contact the coordinator for your present grade:
Minerval.....Lola-(510) ... ....
I°................Jerry-(510) ... ....
2°..........Marlene-(510) ... ....
3°.............Ebony-(510) ... ....
To schedule an initiation, the candidate should make informal arrangements for sponsorship,
request an application form, and contact the Lodgemaster in the course of completing it.
Once finally submitted, the application will remain on file with the Order for a minimum of
forty days before initiation is performed.
Members of Thelema Lodge organize classes, lectures, and study groups in a mutual
education effort for the greater Thelemic community. To propose or request such an offering,
speak at lodge meeting, or contact one of the officers.
Bill Heidrick offers an examination of the Ritual of the Bornless One, and of Crowley's
version of it in Liber Samekh (Theurgia Goetia Summa, sub figura DCCC), in Horus Temple on
Wednesday evening 19 February, beginning at 8:00. The historical context of this ancient
invocation, as well as technical instruction in the vibration of the Barbarous Names, and the
Qabalah of Crowley's elaborate Scholion on the text, will be among the evening's topics.
"The Horror Continues . . . Cthulu Culture Club II" re-awakens from the deep on Saturday
evening 1 February at 6:30. Those attending are invited to select passages to read from the
works of Lovecraft and his followers, as we explore close up the flavor and texture of this
hideous Mythos. Games, graphics, and Cthulu Culture of all kinds will be on display. Call
Jerry to attend.
"Mars, Planet of Horus" will be the subject for wide-ranging discussion at the lodge
with Drax on Tuesday evening 18 February at 8:00. The Politics of Outer Space, Planetary
History, the Search for Life, Terraforming, Tesla, the Pyramid Complex, NASA, the Phobos
Mystery and the ill-fated mission of Phobos II, UFOs, the Mars Mission, and the Object
orbiting Mars; all these will be among the aspects explored.
The Thelema Lodge Magick in Theory and Practice Study Circle meets twice monthly on
Thursday evenings 13 February and 27 February, beginning at 7:00. To inquire regarding the
chapters to be covered on a particular evening, contact Marlene, who is the facilitator for
this group. Sometimes the Study Circle will double as a work-crew when the Lodge Calendar is
assembled and mailed, so late-comers especially should please call the lodge before setting
forth to attend.
The Magick Theater reads Crowley's drama The Scorpion on Wednesday 26 February at 7:30
at Thelema Lodge. This three-act prose tragedy was written in a sudden fit of inspiration in
a hotel at El Kantara, near the end of Crowley's stay in Algeria with Victor Neuburg, about
January 1911 e.v. Occultly based upon the 30° of freemasonry, the plot turns upon the
relations between the Knights Templar and the Saracens, and the birth of the O.T.O. tradition
in Jerusalem during the crusades. "What's your great name, urchin . . . ?"
The 392nd anniversary of the Greater Feast of Giordano Bruno will be the occasion of a
small gathering on Monday evening 17 February at 8:00 at Lola's, with a commemorative reading
and hot dog roast.
Bruno included an early version of the unicursal hexagram in this "Figura Amoris", one of a
series of allegorized geometrical constructions presented in woodcuts (said to have been
prepared by the author's own hands) for Articuli Centum et Sexaginta Adversus huius
Tempestatis Mathematicos atque Philosophos [Essays upon the Mathematics of Mordente: One
Hundred and Sixty Articles against the Mathematicians and Philosophers of this Age . . .
(Prague: 1588), a treatise on techniques of geometrical draftsmanship.
"Jerry's Leap-Year Logorrhea" falls on Saturday evening 29 February, beginning at 6:30;
call to attend, or for advance information on this month's secret topic.
Magik Without Aleister hosts the Gorilla Choir on Wednesday evening 12 February at 8:00
at the lodge for an evening of love, harmony, song, and celebration of the Universal Rhythm.
This wide-ranging discussion group has arranged a series of uniquely enjoyable evenings,
inviting local adepts from alternative magical traditions to visit the lodge.
Thelema Lodge Meeting is Monday evening 3 February 8:00; all members welcome to help
with planning the schedule of events, solving problems, and sharing ideas.
Lodge Council & L.O.P., please check in by telephone to Jerry's early on Saturday
afternoon 1 February for fraternal greetings, and then plan to attend at the next regular
meeting, on Sunday afternoon 1 March at 3:33-call for details.
The Thelema Lodge Ladies' T-s will continue, Monday afternoon 10 February at 5:30.
Thelemic women have a unique and powerful position in our community; our sisterly connection
is encouraged to strengthen our bonds, our knowledge, and our heart. Tea and crumpets are
served. For details ask Soror Terri Sal.
Lodge Clean-Up beginning at 1:11 on Sunday afternoon 23 February, with cake afterwards
at the Pisces Birthday splash around 4:18.
This is the one star to know for its unique and groovy position, being in the place in
the heavens near where our earth's axis points. Therefore all the other stars appear to be
circling around Polaris, which remains fixed, always in the north (most helpful for
navigation). Because of the "wobble" of the earth, the Pole Star was once Thuban, in Draco,
and in 5000 years our axis will point to Alderamin, in Cepheus. But for now Polaris is
getting closer to the exact north celestial pole; it will be closest in 2100 e.v. There is
no star near to the exact southern axis pole.
The best way to locate the North Star is to find the bright Big Dipper. This star-
grouping is so near the north celestial pivot that it is visible all year long (during some
part of the night) in these latitudes. One should find the two stars that make up the side
of the dipper, or cup, that the handle is not attached to, and follow the straight line
through them out of the dipper, until you come to the first and only reasonably bright star.
This is Polaris, at the beginning of the handle of the Little Dipper, or the Lesser Bear-Ursa
Minor. With the exception of Polaris, the seven stars making up Ursa Minor are quite dim and
difficult to make out at all in the city limits.
The big dipper is actually part of the constellation Ursa Major, or Great Bear. It sits
like a saddle on the bear's back, with the handle of the dipper becoming the unrealistically
long tail of the bear. In ancient England Ursa Major was known as the Chariot of King
Arthur; in France it was the Great Chariot. It has also been thought of as a wagon, a
plough, a coffin, and a reindeer.
"Onward the kindred Bears, with footsteps rude,
Dance round the Pole, pursuing and pursued."
----Erasmus Darwin
Fierce Virgin of the Sacred Source | |
Attracting all the world to Thee | |
We pray the Knowledge of Thy Force: | |
Thine aching Negativity! | |
Thou Vacuum at the heart of All | |
Thou Purity without remorse | |
That pulls All, Belle Dame, to Thy Call: | |
Thy Knowledge and Thy Intercourse! | |
Thou Nothingness Personified | |
Renewed Perfection without end | |
Thou Voice of Silence that has cried | |
"The Arrow!"-and it rides the wind! | |
Thou Eros poised one point above | |
The Pyramid; Thou Virgin kiss! | |
Thy Crescent Moon; Thy Star of Love | |
Thy fearful Angst in The Abyss! | |
[This poem is the second in Hymenaeus Alpha's cycle The Angel and the Abyss, corresponding to the Atu of Art in the Tarot. The entire cycle has been previously published in Grady McMurtry: Poems (London & Bergen, Norway: O.T.O., 1986 e.v.) and in The Grady Project #5 (December 1988 e.v.).]
by Aleister Crowley
Adam had gone down to the Euphrates
for a morning's sport with the
Icthyosaurus. The day before he had no
luck at all with a rather big fly
(pterodactyl-wing and angel-hackle) and
meant to spin with the artificial dodo
for a bit before giving up the water as
hopelessly over-fished. He had better
have stayed home, though, and kept a
sharp look-out with the gaff for the
serpent. This is what happened in his
Eve had done her day's work, and
was sprawling in the sun with her
tailor-made fur-lined dress within easy
reach (fig-leaves, in the daytime, had
entirely gone out, and were now only worn for evening dress), and meditating
on the curious events of the past
evening. "Silly thing that of Adam's,"
she soliloquized, "just when I was
feeling nice, it turned sick and
collapsed, and took ten minutes to get
well again. Why, I could have gone on
all night without those silly intervals!
And the old fool says it tires him and
he can't dig today because his back
aches, so he's gone fishing. Fishing!
I'll fish him when he comes home. I
believe he's gone to see that lioness he
was so fond of in the old days. She was
rude enough to both of us yesterday
though-so are all the beasts since we
ate that apple Lord God made all the
fuss about. The serpent's as much a
gentleman as ever, of course. He was at
the same public school as Lord God, he
says. I'm sure he's got better manners,
though! The old wretch! To tell me
about travail and labour and that
rubbish-besides, a really nice God would
keep his smoking-room jokes to himself
another time. And the brute never made
love either. I'll be even with him one
day. I do wish this hole wouldn't itch.
Rubbing's no good-oh! it's better when I
rub hard. There! It's started again
now I've left off. I'll rub harder this
time. Ah! Adam! Adam!-Ha! I thought I
was with Adam-Oh, how lovely!" And she
gave a delicious little sigh.
"Pardon this intrusion, Duchess,
pray" said a new voice, in the well-bred
deferential manner that is so
characteristic of diplomats. "But is it
the third Wednesday, is it not?"
"My dear Prince, how good of you to
come. I was just hoping some one would
drop in and cheer me up. This move has
left me quite a wreck."
"Ah! Duchess, you are more
beautiful than ever."
"Bad man-"
"Yes, and deserve a better
"Adam is as good as-"
"But his poor health. He's had a
cold ever since he left Eden, this
climate is so terribly uncertain."
"Yes, he's not very strong, poor
"He gets tired easily."
"Yes" with a sigh.
"I see you have been doing your
best to supply his place." For Eve had
not changed her position during this interview, and her moist fingers still
played among the golden hair.
"Oh! I didn't mean to."
"Ah! Duchess, what a pity-and what
a surprise!"
"Yes, it did feel like it. But
really, Prince, you're as inquisitive as
that rude old Lord God."
"You are not offended with me?"
"How could I be? How ever shall I
repay you for giving me that wrinkle
about the apple?"
"I must really apologise for being
indirectly the cause of that old
curmudgeon's insolence."
"Not a word. I am all gratitude."
"Only half gratitude, Duchess."
"Because you have only half the
"And the other half is?"
"You darling, tell me at once."
"Will you kiss me?"
"Kiss you-come here-Satan!"
And his lithe coils rolled over her
naked body, his forked tongue slipped
beneath the white teeth and its delicate
foam maddened her tongue. It touched
her tender palate, and withdrew to
penetrate her dainty nostrils. All
round her he wrapped his soft green
folds and their gentle pressure warmed
her blood, that shuddered with love to
feel him, cold and slimy, embrace her
bosom and her lissome thighs. Always
his tail penetrated her half-opened
fountain and gently tickled the rosy
tongue of love, that now grew swollen
and stiff with excitement. Eve broke
into a hot, foul sweat. "Satan! I love
you! When Adam kisses me he is so hot
and heavy; he chokes me! You lift me,
you hold me, you-Ah!" The tail gave a
determined push, and the perspiring
woman gasped with pleasure. "My Queen!"
"Satan!" The amorous snake withdrew his
coils from her breast. "Don't you love
me?" "I will teach you a love your Adam
does not dream of!" And his head sought
the dark home of her desire, while he
pressed in her red lips the most tender
part of his eager body. She entered
into his desires and abandoned herself
to the new vice with rapture. Again and
again she deluged him with love-drops,
and the warm odour of their bodies went
up, a delicious steam, till his head
withdrew, foaming, and fell upon her reeking lips again to lick salacious
kisses and gently chew her gentle
eyelids when she turned her mouth again
to an even dearer object.
Suddenly a shout was heard far off,
and, rising up, Satan saw Adam returning
with the spoil. He was now too near for
him to escape. Eve with quick woman's
wit gathered her furs to her and
squatting in front of the wood fire
forced herself to appear nonchalant,
while Satan gathered his coils together
under her skirts. The fire blazed up as
she tended it, and Adam joyfully saluted
his mate with the patronizing air a man
always thinks it proper to adopt with a
social, physical and intellectual
inferior. She received it with all the
docility which an unfaithful woman is
careful to assume. But she was by no
means as easy as her countenance would
have indicated. Her serpent-lover was
taking a mean advantage of her confusion
to attack her in two places at once-her
worn-out passions were being frightfully
stimulated, and she did not think she
could possibly maintain her balance at
the supreme moment. And Satan was
really venturing terribly far. Up and
up he writhed, and the mouth of her womb
spasmodically closed and re-opened in
vain. He penetrated more and more
deeply, and at last, with a convulsive
wriggle, disappeared entirely into the
temple of love at the very moment Eve,
in a strong shudder, consummated her
suppressed desire and fell to the ground
in a swoon. Adam was alarmed. Some
burnt clippings of mastodon-hoof were
effectual in restoring her, but Eve's
furs had fallen off again, and Adam
divined the nature of his good lady's
excitement. "To think now," he
observed, with pardonable pride, "that
the mere sight of me-or would it be the
smell? I'll write a book about it and
try to make up my mind that way. Poor
girl! I know it won't be fit for work
tonight. The lioness used to lick it
with some effect, I remember. Couldn't
ask Eve to do that, though. It would
degrade her, I'm sure. I must try and
raise her to my level rather than-Damn
that potato patch! It must be dug over
tomorrow, and only the old flint spade
still. A man in Lord God's
position-House of Lords, stake in the
country, and all that-ought to provide
iron spades-this is the only country
planet for billions of miles where science hasn't penetrated, so that young
prince says-don't believe he's a real
prince, though-took all that cursing
from a simple Lord like a lamb-says it's
beneath his dignity to swear back. I'd
have had the bugger up for criminal
libel. Threatened him, too, about Eve's
baby smashing his head." But at this
point a prowling megatherium wailed and
Adam snatched up a sling and started off
to drive him away. Eve lost no time in
knocking violently on her belly. "Time
to get up, sir. I'll bring your hot
water in a minute!" Satan awoke, and
not being fond of water, hot or
otherwise, unless with a considerable
portion of Mammon's old Highland Hell-
fire, climbed down, put his head out,
and asked what the devil the knocking
was about. "Get away, dear, Adam's gone
out for an hour, quick, and don't hurt
me." "No, Eve, I will spend the night
with you." "But Adam?" "Let him come
in too." "No, he'll discover
everything. I'd rather any other plan."
"My plan is necessary - you don't know
all the secret yet." And with an
affectionate little snap at the clitoris
as he passed, Satan again withdrew into
his cosy hiding-place.
Adam soon returned victorious from
his raid, and was very glad to lay his
fur aside, and seek the embraces of his
consort. Any doubts he might have had
were soon removed by Eve whose mass of
tawny hair soon hung over his thighs,
while her little red mouth proceeded to
excite him to the proper degree of
rigidity. It was soon obtained, and she
quickly changed her position to bestride
him, while her hand guided him to the
proper orifice. The dance began. Eve
wriggled her fat bottom about as hard as
she could, and Adam assisted as far as
his constrained position would allow.
The critical moment arrived and a deluge
of warm liquids mingled to flood the
surrounding parts. But Eve would not
let him withdraw as yet. And at this
moment Adam gave vent to a cry of pain.
"I'm bitten," he said. "That horrible
Palaeopulex," said Eve. "No, it's in
you! It's pushing me out! Get up!"
And Eve jumped up alarmed to find Satan
quietly emerging from his citadel. Adam
jumped for a club. But by the time he
arrived a change had arisen. The old
snake-skin dropped and Satan stood in
his own shape, a radiant spirit. "You
bit me," said Adam, embarrassed. "For your own good! God doomed you to death.
My bite has filled your blood with a
poison that will take away Death's
terrors, that will make him welcome
even!" "What is this poison called?"
said Eve. And Satan replied "Syphilis!"
As he went away he laughed. God did not
like to hear him.
Childhood -- see Confessions, Gospel according to St. Bernard Shaw, World's Tragedy & High History of Sir Palamedes for a model on his father and the early influence of education and Plymouth Brethren. Also for the source of his social errors and business incompetence. Later childhood and adolescence provided his sexual orientation and literary bent at Cambridge. Frazier's Golden Bough merely fleshed out ideas from Levi.
Alan Bennett -- introduced Crowley to the ideas of eastern philosophy. These furnished Crowley with his mystical training, terminology, and mental techniques. The Golden Dawn provided Crowley with the model of his organization of attainment. Masonry the model of society and the forms of ceremonial for groups.
Theosophy furnished idealism and melded with the Quaker ideas of masters and elect. Reuss gave the justification for magical sexuality. Eckenstein taught the concept of discipline. Von Eckartshausen gave Crowley the idea of an invisible order, while Waite introduced Things that go BUMP in the Night.
Music Halls & the Ingoldsby Legends -- Crowley's humor and satire, also his negligent racism.
Tao Teh King -- source of many of Crowley's social theories and higher philosophy.
What single book influenced Crowley
the most? As far as his mystical
writings, magical theories, health ideas
and political dreams, the answer can
only be Eliphas Levi's The Key of the
Mysteries. Many of Crowley's ideas in
these areas can be found in seed at
least in Levi. Here are a few examples.
The page citations are from Crowley's
translation in the supplement to EQUINOX
I, 10 -- by the way, all the Equinox
volume I is now available in ASCII
format on diskette from OTO, P.O.Box
430, Fairfax, CA 94978 USA. {Note to Web edition: These are no longer available on diskette, but may be obtained either by email attachment or from many web sites.}
Liber OZ is developed from p.35 in
Page 234 "HUMAN life and its
innumerable difficulties have for
object, in the ordination of eternal
wisdom, the education of the will of
"The dignity of man consists in doing
what he will, and in willing the good,
in conformity with the knowledge of
Page 213: " of those
traditional secrets with regard to which
silence is necessary, and which it is
sufficient to indicate to those who
know, leaving always a veil upon the
truth for the ignorant."
An appropriate exercise would be to
seek a passage in Levi for every idea in
LIBER AL, viz: "Nothing resists the will
of man, when he knows the truth, and
wills the good." KM, p. 235 for "... do
thy will. Do that, and no other shall
say nay." AL I,42-43
A quote to take for Crowley's Opus:
Levi KM p. 241: "When a new word comes
into the world, it needs swaddling
clothes and bandages; genius brought it
forth, but it is for experience to
nourish it. Do not fear that it will
die of neglect! Oblivion is for it a
favorable time of rest, and
contradictions help it to grow."
Crowley's unexamined belief in
Natural Law has its origin in his times,
but it also can be drawn from Levi: "Q.
What is infinite reason?" "A. It is
that supreme reason of being that faith calls God." (p. 102) -- This is the
characteristic phrase of the philosophy
of 18th century enlightenment: "God is
Reason" -- also the characteristic
error. 19th century philosophy
continued this into Determinism and the
now discredited concept of "Natural
Levi's idea of the "magnetic fluid"
derived from the efforts of Newton,
Mesmer and others to quantify the astral
body. 18th and 19th century efforts to
measure ectoplasm, oddic force, etc. and
to physically measure an essence of life
have persisted to the verge of the 21st
century in a strange pseudo-science. At
least in the 18th and 19th centuries
there was the idea of the luminous
Aethyer as a partial justification for
this sort of thing. Now it is generally
considered a curiosity dependent on
subjective measurement without the
objective external instrumentation
required by hard science. This concept
has led to a vast array of quack medical
theories and the loss of otherwise
promising philosophies. Bulwar Lytton
used the idea; W. Reich was imprisoned
for trying to cure with it. Crowley
lost much time over it in his later
years in trying to market his Amrita
derivations. The future may disclose
some substance here, but it tends to
"confusion of the planes" more often
than not.
Page 105: "Q. Are these experiences
articles of faith?" "A. No, they
pertain to science." -- Although this is
not essential to Thelema, Crowley's
dependence on it is interesting. "The
Method of Science. The Aim of
Religion." -- A valid perspective, but
not without potential for
misapplication. This, more than
anything else, is the influence of Levi
on Crowley's philosophy. Accidents of
emphasis in Levi's works often became
seeds for avenues of research in
Crowley's effort.
Levi gives many anecdotes in this
work. p. 119: " Englishman
otherwise quite sane, who thought that
he had met a stranger and made his
acquaintance, who took him to lunch at
his tavern, and then having asked him to
visit St. Paul's in his company, had
tried to throw him from the top of the
tower which they had climbed together."
Crowley elaborated quite a few of these
into short stories.
P. 257: "To brave God and to insult
Him, is a final act of faith." -- See
Crowley's "John St. John".
P. 260: "While love is nothing but a
desire and an enjoyment, it is mortal.
In order to make itself eternal it must
become a sacrifice, for then it becomes
a power and a virtue." -- See Crowley
in Magick in Theory and Practice,
chapter 12.
Levi appears to have turned Crowley's
interest toward Poe and Wm. Blake, as
well as many other authors.
Even the Golden Dawn seems to have
taken more from Levi than a twist to his
Tarot attributions and the sketch for
the Lesser Pentagram Ritual. Consider
KM p. 195: "In old times, chess-players
sought upon their chess-board the
solution of philosophical and religious
problems, and argued silently with each
other in manovuering the hieroglyphic
characters across the numbers." -- can
this be the remark that sparked creation
of Enochian Chess?
A word of caution. In reading Levi,
a strong stomach is one of the
requisites. The book is filled with
Christian remarks. It is not always
possible to get through this veil on a
first or even a third reading. Persist.
Write in the margin. The hard part is
getting past the pseudo-logic and
Christian propaganda.
February 2, 1913 | He used the imperfect translation made by John Dee of the Necronomicon bequeathed to him by his grandfather to call down the 'Old Ones', he was Wilbur Whateley, born on this date in Dunwich. |
February 8, 1810 | The man born on this date once wrote, 'that if a man breathes in a certain way upon the back of a woman she will automatically surrender to his will.' He is also reported as being one of Aleister Crowley's previous incarnations. His name, Eliphas Levi. |
February 8, 1855 | Snow had blanketed the ground during the night around the peaceful village of Topsham, England, but when the town awoke they found themselves confronted by a strange visitor. During the night something walked for miles around the village and although it walked upright like a man, left hoof prints in snow! Rumors spread that the devil had visited Devonshire! |
February 11, 1891 | The woman born on this date, Sascha Germer was responsible for strewing Aleister Crowley's ashes into the mud at the base of a tree in Hampton, New Jersey. |
February 12, 1964 | It is said that Aleister Crowley had been paid a suitably large fee from Gerald Gardner who died on this date, to compose rituals that could be used in his new Gardnerian witchcraft. |
February 14, 1856 | Frank Harris who was born on this date, wrote that Aleister Crowley upon leaving America bound for England in 1919 'left a string of worthless cheques' behind, although he should have written that the way of a mystic is often hard to understand. |
February 16, 1923 | Raoul Loveday, Frater AUD, aka ADONIS dies at the Abbey of Cefalu. Three days earlier Crowley recorded in his Magical Record that he felt a current of magical force, 'heavy black and silent' threatening the Abbey. |
February 17, 1600 | Giordano Bruno refusing to retract any of his philosophical opinions before the Inquisition of Rome was finally condemned as 'an impenitent and pertinacious heretic' and was publicly burned at the stake on this date in a place called Campo dei Fiori (Square of Flowers), Rome. |
February 23, 1680 | La Voisin the 'Satanic High Priestess' is burned at the stake after confessing that she obtained over 2500 children during her life to be used as human sacrifices to 'satan'. |
February 27, 1784 | Although many of his followers claim this man to be still alive since he knew the secrets of the Elixir of Life, the truth is that Comte de St. Germain died in Hesse, Germany on this date. |
February 27, 1861 | Rudolf Steiner was born on this date in Kralijevec, Hungary. |
February 28, 1946 | On this date a great goddess appeared to Jack Parsons claiming, "yea, it is I Babalon, and this is my book..." of which she began dictating. Thus came forth 'The Book of Babalon'. |
February 29, 1880 | Aleister Crowley's sister Grace Mary Elizabeth Crowley died on this date leaving young Aleister an only child. |
2/1/92 | Cthulhu Culture Club 6:30 PM w/Jerry | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/1/92 | Council/LOP 3:33 PM | LOP | ||
2/2/92 | Brigit Ritual 4:18 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/2/92 | Gnostic Mass 7:30 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/3/92 | Thelema Lodge Meeting 8PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/3/92 | New Moon ritual | |||
2/4/92 | Chinese New Year (Monkey, Anno 4690) | |||
2/9/92 | Gnostic Mass 7:30 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/10/92 | Ladies' T 5:30PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/12/92 | "Magick without Aleister" with Fr. Majnun 8 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/13/92 | Magick in Theory and Practice Study Circle with Marlene 7PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/14/92 | Valentine's Day | |||
2/15/92 | Initiations (call to attend) | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/16/92 | E.G.C. meeting & mass wkshp 4:18PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/16/92 | Gnostic Mass 7:30 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/17/92 | Greater Feast of St. Giordano Bruno party & reading at Lola's 8PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/18/92 | "Mars, Plenet of Hours" 8PM class with Drax | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/19/92 | "Liber Samekh" class with Bill 8PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/23/92 | Lodge Clean-up 1:11 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/23/92 | Pisces Birthday 4:18 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/23/92 | Gnostic Mass 7:30 PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/26/92 | Magick Theater reads Crowley: The Scorpion 7:30 PM | Magick Thea. | ||
2/27/92 | Magick in Theory and Practice Study Circle with Marlene 7PM | Thelema Ldg. | ||
2/29/91 | "Jerry's Leap-Year Logorrhea" 6:30PM Call to attend. | Thelema Ldg. |
The viewpoints and opinions expressed herein are the responsibility of the
contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of OTO or its
Note to update: the addresses and phone numbers in these issues of the Thelema Lodge Calendars are obsolete since the closing of the Lodge. They are here for historic purposes only and should not be visited or called.
Thelema Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O. Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA
Phone: (510) 652-3171 (for events info and contact to Lodge)
Production and Circulation:
P.O.Box 430
Fairfax, CA 94978 USA
Internet: (Submissions and circulation only)