Interactive TLC Content for 1997 e.v.
Interactive TLC Content for 1997 e.v.
TLC January 1997 e. v.
- Mysteria Mystica Maxima
- Intitiations this month. How to apply or attend.
- Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
- Gnostic Masses this month. Volunteers encouraged.
- Classes and Events
- Combined listing:
Crowley Liber Al commentary from New Falcon Press. Discussion group announced.
- Background of the edition.
Tarot with Bill Heidrick to discuss the Hanged Man and Death.
Astrological Study with Grace to discuss the 8th House.
- Notes on the significance of the 8th House.
A magnificent magical allegory --Section Two
Balzac's Le Peau de Chagrin to be read and discussed. Bio of Honoré de Balzac,
- other works and Crowley's interest.
Library night, Lodge business meeting and Sirius Oasis meeting.
- Balzac: A Note -- Crowley Classics
- Honoré de Balzac's place in literature. Characteristics of his works.
- An Introduction to Qabalah, Part XXIII -- The Tree in Action
- Instance of a dramatic picture related to the Tree. Achad's Macrocosmic Snowflake. How the Tree works in human consciousness.
- John P. McClimans Obituary.
- 1947-1996 e.v.
- Jericho by Grady McMurtry -- from the Grady Project
- Poem dated 10-16-61 to 10-20-61.
- Remembrance of Richard Christopher Legener
- Memorial of brother and bishop "Chris Piss".
- Thou Who Art I by Frater Pwdre Ser
- Undated Poem.
- Soror Estai & Frater Saturnus -- Primary Sources
- Three Letters from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer:
LTR J. Wolfe to K. Germer, 30th June, 1954.
- Present situation of Cameron Parsons. Voodoo in LA. Brief remarks of others in OTO.
- LTR J. Wolfe to K. Germer, 1st July, 1955.
Jack Parsons and Crowley's instructions. L.Ron Hubbard. Liber 49.
- LTR J. Wolfe to K. Germer, 13th August, 1955.
Situation of Camleron Parsons worsening. Kenneth Anger. TV coverage by Coates.
- "Vortex spinning seeds of change" by Firebird
- Poem dated 8/20/94.
- From the Outbasket by Bill Heidrick
- Spirits attracted to negative emotions, limits essential to Magick and sexuality inseparable from Religion.
- List of events for January 1997 e.v.
TLC February 1997 e. v.
TLC March 1997 e. v.
- Anno 93, Year of Thelema!
- Vernal Equinox ritual to commemorate the 93rd anniversary of Liber AL.
- Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
- Gnostic Masses this month. The nature of the eucharist.
- Mysteria Mystica Maxima
- Initiations this month.
- Workshops and Gatherings
- Combined listing:
Bill Heidrick workshop on Tower and Star.
Lore of Persepine, --Section Two
Maurice Hewlett fairy novel to be read and discussed. Brief bio of Hewlett.
Reading and discussion of Crowley's commentary to Liber AL
Grace presents a workshop on the 10th House in Astrology.
- In Memoriam -- Adam Rostoker
- Memorial to Adam Rostoker, shot in southern California 2/20/97 e.v.
- The Heart of Holy Russia by Aleister Crowley, part II -- Crowley Classics
- Conclusion. Crowley's travel description broadens to various other aspects of Moscow.
- The Abyss by Grady McMurtry -- from the Grady Project
- Poem dated 11/5/61 e.v.
- An Introduction to Qabalah, Part XXV -- Four Worlds Linked
- Example analysis of writing a book, using the Tree to examine for flaws.
- Germer Recommends -- Primary Sources
- Two letters from Karl Germer:
LTR K. Germer to Dr. G. Montenegro, 14th September, 1949.
Recommends Br. Montenegro contact Br. Grady McMurtry. Expresses dissatisfaction
- in regard to the financial records of Agape Lodge. Plans for headquarters.
LTR K. Germer to G. McMurtry, 28th February, 1950.
Need to convene the Lodge members to initiate Dr. Montenegro to Ist degree./d>
- Discussion of archives and books. Unhappy with Jack Parsons. Other OTO members
- discussed, past and present, in US and abroad.
- From the Outbasket by Bill Heidrick
- Why OTO members argue about mundane things. Drugs and Magick. Role of the Man of Earth in OTO. Secret Chiefs.
- List of events for March 1997 e.v.
TLC April 1997 e. v.
TLC May 1997 e. v.
TLC June 1997 e. v.
TLC July 1997 e. v.
- The Rites of Eleusis
- Rites of Eleusis Schedule. Detailed history of the Rites in the SF Bay area.
- Rituals, Meetings, and Classes
- Combined listing:
Gnostic Masses this month.
Initiations this month.
Tarot with Bill Heidrick to discuss the Court Cards.
"Uncle! There's something horrible in the garden!" -- Section Two
No. 19 by Edgar Jepson will be discussed. Possible influence on Crowley's
- decision to produce the Rites of Eleusis. The plot of the novel.
NOX discussions this month
Crowley Liber Al commentary from New Falcon Press. Discussion group
Grace's Astrology seminar concludes this month.
- ELEUSIS by Aleister Crowley, Part I -- Crowley Classics
- Essay criticizing Christianity; contrasting with other religions and minority approaches.
- The Sorcerer by Grady McMurtry -- from the Grady Project
- Poem dated 11/28/41 e.v.
- An Introduction to Qabalah, Part XXIX -- Using the Parsifim.
- How traditional groups of the Sephirot may be used to examine human states.
- A A or O.T.O. -- Primary Sources
- Karl Germer quotes Crowley on the distinction between the two orders.
- LTR Excerpt A. Crowley to K.Germer, 16th September, 1946.
Germer's extract is followed by a "cc" list, apparently maintained
- to track who had received the quoted letter. There are other copies, with
- different "cc" lists appended.
- From the Outbasket by Bill Heidrick
- Memories of the SF Bay Area Rites of Eleusis. The Ashbury Abbey, At-Nu House, Ebony, Jim Graeb, Chandria and Sally. International spread of the Rites in OTO.
- List of events for July 1997 e.v.
TLC August 1997 e. v.
TLC September 1997 e. v.
- Autumnal Equinox Greetings
- Autumnal Equinox ritual announced.
- Bulwer Lytton on Drugs -- Section Two
- Edward George Bulwer-Lytton's A Strange Story discussed and read. Other Lytton works. Brief bio of Lytton.
- Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
- Gnostic Masses this month. A letter from a guest at the Mass.
- Events, Workshops, and Gatherings
- Combined listing:
Rites of Eleusis schedule this month. A Rite of Earth to be added.
- N.O.X. meeting this month Topic: "The three Aleister
Crowleys: Prophet, writer, human being."
- Tarot with Bill Heidrick Sword and Coin Lesser Trumps to be discussed.
- Attribution of Tarot to the Tree of Life.
- Never Stop Learning
- Argument for Thelemic schooling.
- At the Feet of Our Lady of Darkness, translated by Aleister Crowley from the French of Izeh Kranil -- Crowley Classics
- Crowley's translation of a "prose poem" by an Arabic woman to whom he was attracted.
- My Phoenix of Golgotha by Grady McMurtry -- form the Grady Project
- Undated poem.
- An Introduction to Qabalah, Part XXXI -- A Little Play
- Ways of studying the Tree of Life, by use of diagrams and patterns.
- Why? -- Primary Sources
- An excerpt from Studies and Texts in Folklore, Magic, Medieval Romance, Hebrew Apocrypha and Samaritan Archaeology. Moses Gaster argues the importance of such studies of original texts and remains.
- From the Outbasket by Bill Heidrick
- What is "Ruach Elohim"? Thelema, religion, Magick and belief. Physiological effects of initiation. Chakras and "Landry's paralysis".
- List of events for September 1997 e.v.
TLC October 1997 e. v.
TLC November 1997 e. v.
TLC December 1997 e. v.